The Minsk Agreement and the Big Lie

google trends for minsk agreements

In January I made some predictions about the “imminent invasion” of Ukraine. Now it’s time to come back to review them, and make some updates. Prediction 1: No Russian invasion of Ukraine in the foreseeable future And definitely not in the January-February timeframe that Biden’s media cronies have been hollering about for weeks. The only … Read more

The Day We Defeated Bad Orange Man “Literally Hitler” Donald Trump

The Day We Defeated Bad Orange Man "Literally Hitler" Donald Trump

Imagine a train transporting Jews and POWs to a Death Camp. It’s late enough in the Holocaust that everybody has a pretty good idea what’s coming. They’re all about to be worked to death, used as ghastly science projects, or simply executed by gas. Suddenly, the train veers into a siding and stops. But why?

Democrats Want to Force Vaccination on Soldiers

A third of American service members have declined the Pfizer COVID vaccine. In response, Democrat lawmakers are pressuring Biden to force military naysayers to take it. Meanwhile, corporations are working 24/7 to silence all dissent against their new toy.