Exploiting the Final Solution

The other day Mr. Lavrov, the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, compared the ongoing Western campaign against Russia to Hitler’s idea of the final solution of the Jewish question: “Like Napoleon mobilized Europe against Russia, like Hitler, the United States too has formed a coalition of EU and NATO members and with the help of … Read more

Whoopi Goldberg is Right, the Nazis Were not Racist

Nineteen Eighty-Four

ABC has suspended Whoopi Goldberg for her controversial remarks about the Holocaust during her show last Monday. Furthermore, an insider with the media company reportedly claimed that ABC staffers are furious that Goldberg hasn’t been formally fired yet. But what did Goldberg actually say that made the #cancel mob so upset? During a discussion on … Read more

The Day We Defeated Bad Orange Man “Literally Hitler” Donald Trump

The Day We Defeated Bad Orange Man "Literally Hitler" Donald Trump

Imagine a train transporting Jews and POWs to a Death Camp. It’s late enough in the Holocaust that everybody has a pretty good idea what’s coming. They’re all about to be worked to death, used as ghastly science projects, or simply executed by gas. Suddenly, the train veers into a siding and stops. But why?