American Farmer Arrested in Ukraine

Kurt Groszhans american north dakota farmer arrested in ukraine

North Dakota farmer Kurt Groszhans spent his Thanksgiving in a Ukrainian prison cell. He’s accused of plotting to assassinate Roman Leshchenko, the minister of agriculture. Groszhans allegedly wanted revenge against Leshchenko for embezzling $250,000 from him in 2018. Guilty or not, one would think that an American citizen trying to assassinate a foreign official would be a major news story. No stories on CNN and no indignant tweets from Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Imagine if Groszhans was arrested in Russia, Belarus, China, or Iran.

The Real Problem with the US Army’s Woke Recruiting Commercials

the real problem with the army's woke recruiting commercial. the calling army

Senator Ted Cruz recently shared a video making fun of a politically correct US Army broadcast, The Calling, by comparing it to a Russian Spetsnaz commercial. Though he quickly backtracked and emphasized that he hates Russia just as much as any other red-blooded American, he did draw attention to a serious problem. Yes, the latest Army recruiting campaign is very woke, but that’s not the problem with it. The Calling is muddled and self-defeating. The Army has become so traumatized and directionless it can’t even explain in three minutes why anyone should join.