The Real Problem with the US Army’s Woke Recruiting Commercials

the real problem with the army's woke recruiting commercial. the calling army

Senator Ted Cruz recently shared a video making fun of a politically correct US Army broadcast, The Calling, by comparing it to a Russian Spetsnaz commercial. Though he quickly backtracked and emphasized that he hates Russia just as much as any other red-blooded American, he did draw attention to a serious problem. Yes, the latest Army recruiting campaign is very woke, but that’s not the problem with it. The Calling is muddled and self-defeating. The Army has become so traumatized and directionless it can’t even explain in three minutes why anyone should join.

Liberal Journalist gets “Canceled” For Opposing Israel

fascism. American conservatives. Is this communism?

Remember all the liberals rejoicing that the world’s largest multinational corporations have gotten “woke?” Great news… except corporations only care about money and have no problem canceling liberals too. Oops. The latest victim of woke fascism is Emily Wilder, who just got canned from the Associated Press because she… wait for it… opposes Israel. Now in fairness, there are two sides. But that’s just it. There. Are. Two. Sides.