What were the non-aggression treaty benefits to the Soviet Union?

garden of europe against the ussr

Many people ask what was the benefit of the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the USSR. Here I will attempt an answer. The single most serious threat to Russia, both as a state and as an ethnicity, is a unified western Europe. Luckily for Russians, Europeans are usually too busy killing each other to ever unify properly against Russia. Whenever one European power gets strong enough to lead a coalition to ethnically cleanse Russia, another European power stabs them in the back. The picture I show above is a good example of this.

The Art of Border Quilting

The favorite game of the West is divide and conquer. It works at many levels: cultural, ethnic, religious, classist, racial, sexual/gender, etc. I will never believe that the BLM movement was planned and implemented by the US black community. Neither it is the beneficiary. The US liberal Deep State doesn’t care about the LGBTQ+ rights … Read more

The Truth About Adolf Hitler and the “Rules-based World Order”

Yesterday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day and there was quite a bit of chatter about the killing of ethnic Germans in Poland. Some people were mentioning this historic fact honestly to point out that, contrary to how Polish nationalists portray themselves, they weren’t innocent during World War II. Some trolls also suggested that Nazi Germany and the Russian Federation are the same (how creative). It’s unfortunate, because the well of WWII history has been so thoroughly poisoned, it’s almost impossible to have an honest conversation about the role of the western allies in provoking Hitler and starting WWII. That’s why I felt I needed to talk at length about the subject. In this answer, I’ll explain the historical context of the feud between Germany and Poland, including the deaths of ethnic Germans, and how this history was falsified in the Cold War to erase traces of British meddling.