I am being fact checked

A Russian disinformation expert from a “Russian-Ukraine Disinformation Tracking Center” is reviewing the site for, ahem, disinformation. It’s been an interesting and cordial conversation so far, with some important points made. That’s why I decided to share it here for anyone else who might have the same questions. In the name of free speech I won’t disclose the name of the disinformation expert or the fact checking organization.

CNN Embraces the Final Stages of Capitalism

CNN Embraces the Final Stages of Capitalism

In this era of globalist tyranny, every facet of human existence is commodified, given artificial scarcity, and sold back to the people at an inflated price. Now CNN broadcasts urge lawmakers to use COVID-19 as an excuse to strip away freedom itself and sell it back to us as a “premium” product, like a cell phone plan. Except it’s mandatory and you go to prison if you decline to subscribe.