NATO Uses Genocide Hysteria as a Tool to Divide and Conquer

Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex

When Maria and I visited Armenia a couple of months ago, we noticed that the American government and NGOs manipulate the Armenian genocide in almost the same way they manipulate the holodomor. I also thought of how Saddam’s violent reprisals against Kurds are continually used to justify funding and arming Kurdish separatists across the Middle … Read more

Asking for Justice or Helping the Elites Again?

Today I’m going to be controversial again. I have long argued that slavery is not racist in nature. It’s more primitive than racism. Racism is a product of rational mind, slavery is a product of most primitive economic relationships. You cannot repay your debt? Become a slave. You are a prisoner of war and your … Read more

The Truth About Adolf Hitler and the “Rules-based World Order”

Yesterday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day and there was quite a bit of chatter about the killing of ethnic Germans in Poland. Some people were mentioning this historic fact honestly to point out that, contrary to how Polish nationalists portray themselves, they weren’t innocent during World War II. Some trolls also suggested that Nazi Germany and the Russian Federation are the same (how creative). It’s unfortunate, because the well of WWII history has been so thoroughly poisoned, it’s almost impossible to have an honest conversation about the role of the western allies in provoking Hitler and starting WWII. That’s why I felt I needed to talk at length about the subject. In this answer, I’ll explain the historical context of the feud between Germany and Poland, including the deaths of ethnic Germans, and how this history was falsified in the Cold War to erase traces of British meddling.

We Are At War With Eurasia. We Have Always Been At War With Eurasia

orwell 1984

On October 20, CNN actively and deliberately discouraged people from leaving Kherson, dismissing Russian evacuation efforts as “hysteria.” Of course as everyone who’s paid attention to the news knows by now, Kherson is occupied by Ukrainian militants and embroiled in an intense artillery duel. On November 28, CNN condemned the Russian artillery strikes, claiming “now they’re killing the civilians they once vowed to protect.” Really. Did CNN reporters just intentionally prevent people from leaving an active war zone, hoping those people would later be killed so CNN could make money off their deaths? And this is far from the only media flip-flop lately.