The Eviction Moratorium: A Circus of Incompetence and Tyranny

The Eviction Moratorium: A Circus of Incompetence and Tyranny

months of crocodile tears over the Jan. 6 “insurrection,” American legislators inexplicably failed to address the end of the eviction moratorium, potentially resulting in millions of American families losing their homes. After congress left for a seven-week vacation, Democrats flooded the news media with tearjerker clickbait, most famously Cori Bush who camped out for a nice summer sleepover on the Capitol steps. Now the real motivation for their bizarre lack of leadership is clear; to give the Center for Disease Control illegal and unconstitutional legislative power. Our leaders are destroying the country out of pure greed, and I think they’re too stupid to realize it.

The Day We Defeated Bad Orange Man “Literally Hitler” Donald Trump

The Day We Defeated Bad Orange Man "Literally Hitler" Donald Trump

Imagine a train transporting Jews and POWs to a Death Camp. It’s late enough in the Holocaust that everybody has a pretty good idea what’s coming. They’re all about to be worked to death, used as ghastly science projects, or simply executed by gas. Suddenly, the train veers into a siding and stops. But why?

Nazism is Cool Again

Nazism is Cool Again

In the 2018 English edition of her book The Unwomanly Face of War, Svetlana Alexievich expressed a commonly held fear in the former Soviet Union, and it absolutely came true. The Nazis would go down in history as brave heroes fighting for a lost cause, and the Soviets would be condemned as grotesque villains.

Nazism Ascended and America Defeated; Triumph of the Will

Nazism ascended and America Defeated; Triumph of the Will

Nazis have lurked among us for decades, unnoticed and without restraint as they diligently worked toward a most ambitious goal. Time passed, and their shadow nation grew like a tumor. It shivered in the darkness at first; now it unabashedly operates in the open, as if a pus-oozing boil was supposed to be there all along.