Syrian Mercenaries Prepare for War in Ukraine

syrian mercenaries prepare for war in ukraine

Ukrainian Special Forces are recruiting Syrian mercenaries to fight in the disputed Donbass region. The American media has mostly declined to report on this event, for reasons that I’ll leave up to readers to infer. However, The Syrian Observer reported last month that Turkish special forces asked Syrian militants to prepare for deployment to Ukraine.

The Day We Defeated Bad Orange Man “Literally Hitler” Donald Trump

The Day We Defeated Bad Orange Man "Literally Hitler" Donald Trump

Imagine a train transporting Jews and POWs to a Death Camp. It’s late enough in the Holocaust that everybody has a pretty good idea what’s coming. They’re all about to be worked to death, used as ghastly science projects, or simply executed by gas. Suddenly, the train veers into a siding and stops. But why?

Democrats Want to Force Vaccination on Soldiers

A third of American service members have declined the Pfizer COVID vaccine. In response, Democrat lawmakers are pressuring Biden to force military naysayers to take it. Meanwhile, corporations are working 24/7 to silence all dissent against their new toy.