Is Sleepy Joe Even Still Alive?
The White House lawn “green screen” conspiracy is just an optical illusion. Sorry. But there is a much more pressing concern facing us right now.
Two days ago, Biden wandered outside the White House like a dementia patient, rambled some nonsense to the “free press,” then drifted to Marine 1 (I assume there were guards to prevent our senile commander in chief from blundering headfirst into the prop). During video footage of him, there was a strange optical illusion in which Biden’s hand appeared to clip a boom wildly out of perspective.
Everyone who follows my political articles on Reading Junkie already knows my opinions on Biden’s first 100 days in office, recent events, and the rise of fascist neoliberalism in the United States. However, we all need to be careful to not let our prejudice cloud good judgement. This is fake news, and spreading it is counterproductive. There are still important takeaways from this story, which I’ll get into after debunking the conspiracy myth.
First off, we aren’t dealing with a “green screen” effect. If this was doctored footage, it would be a case of a video composite. The boom would be on one layer and the footage of Biden would be on a different layer. Whichever layer was lower would be covered by a third component called a “masking” layer. A mistake like this could not have accidentally happened; the Biden footage would be behind the booms, and it would make no sense for his hand to end up on top. To learn more about how masks work in video composites, click here.
For further evidence debunking any suggestion of this footage being doctored, here’s the same few seconds shot from a different angle.
Also, for reference, here is what one of these mics looks like in proportion to a human. It is much larger than one would think; deceiving perspective happens easily, and that’s exactly what we were seeing in the first video I linked.

I have seen comments on Reddit and Twitter claiming that the audio was doctored or added to the video in post-production. These commenters speculate that because the props on Marine One were motionless and the audio resembles that of a commercial airliner, it must have been doctored. Sorry, but no.
To clarify, yes, the whining sound does resemble that of a commercial airliner, but that’s because Marine One is an aircraft too. A helicopter is in concept almost identical to an airplane. The main difference is that a helicopter uses rotary wings, rather than fixed wings, to generate lift. Marine One’s combustion engine still needs oxygen, and feeding oxygen to the engine requires intakes like a commercial airliner would.
First, here’s a video of Marine One landing and taking off. The rotors are spinning, but you can still hear the same whining sound from the first video.
Lastly, here are a couple diagrams of helicopters to understand the anatomy of these beasts, and what’s generating the whine.

Naturally, all the media lapdogs jumped to the defense, insisting that this is just conspiracy theory nonsense. I’m surprised none of these “journalists” advocated murdering American citizens with drones. Again.
Here are a couple problems with these “fact checkers,” besides the fact that almost every mainstream news outlet in the USA is a terrorist organization repeatedly inciting violence against us, and they all get away with it for some reason.

But anyway, besides that. The fact checkers consistently refer to the alleged editing blunder as a “green screen” effect, which as I pointed out earlier, is wrong. This is important to emphasize. Liberal journalists aren’t here to educate. They’re relaying propaganda to the flock. Journalists go out of their way to not accidentally teach people useful information. They’re conditioning us to blindly accept everything they say without thinking. The boom snafu was such a convenient opportunity for the media to discredit skeptics and brainwash everyone else into accepting “fact checking” without questioning it, I almost want to say this was a deep fake ploy. Of course I have no evidence so I won’t go that far.
The boom snafu caused such a ruckus, I almost overlooked the most important takeaway from this social media trainwreck. As we all know by now, Sleepy Joe being allowed to speak under any circumstances is extremely dangerous. The last time that happened, Biden babbled about Indians taking over the country. No doubt his leash-holders were extremely embarrassed and took measures to prevent that from happening again.
Even this time was a little embarrassing. Listen to that audio again. Not only did Sleepy Joe fail to answer a single question, he wasn’t coherent, and not by a long shot. Since when was it possible to speak to countries? He’s a vegetable who can just barely walk on his own power.
On March 25 we will (allegedly) finally see Biden in front of the press without anyone holding his hand. Why was the press conference announced so far in advance? Your guess is as good as mine, Dear Reader.
That said, Sleepy Joe’s puppet masters have already made it clear that the guest list will be tightly controlled. It doesn’t take a fortune teller to figure out that only confirmed fascists and fascist sympathizers will be allowed to attend. On top of all that, attending fascist mouthpieces will have to submit their questions far in advance. Freedom of the press indeed!
Our president is a senile old man with one foot in the grave. I’m not even mad at the guy. I feel bad for him. Sleepy Joe should be in a quiet country home with a cute nurse babying him in his last few years months of life. I am convinced that he’s being manipulated like a sock puppet. The DNC only propped him up because he has name recognition and isn’t a polarizing figure like Crooked Hillary.
I’ll go even further than that and suggest he likely a smoke screen to get Kamala Harris into the Oval Office. Harris loves fascism more than anyone. Let’s not forget the thousands of African Americans she threw into prison during her criminal law career in California… many of those people locked up illegally on trumped-up charges, and kept locked up long after it was clear that they were probably innocent. She even pushed for new legislation so she could throw black people into prison for truancy charges, of all things.
As a white person, it’s not really my place to call her an Uncle Tom, but oh boy, she sure as hell acts like one.
Ian Kummer

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> As you saw in the story above; many liberal reporters seem to think that “terrorists” should be executed or disappeared to CIA black sites without a trial. Does this logic apply to journalists who endlessly beg for more mass shootings? If the government does become allowed to openly act like the Gestapo on crack, I think it’s only fair that the people who wanted that regime be the first to taste it.
I’ve had similar thoughts lately. If these (mostly white) authoritarian boot-lickers keep pushing this pernicious narrative that only white people can be racist, then I say the only way to save America is to start deporting white people to reservations. Starting with them.
We could even turn it into a reality TV show. Working title: Trail of White Tears. We’d have to gin up some conflict though – I don’t think an hour of people doom-scrolling on Facebook and unironically posting YAASS QUEEN memes is enough to keep the show out of the Friday night death slot.
As for Ms. Harris, she is even less authentic than Obama, and that’s saying something. Here’s her in the Senate debates:; here’s her now: Fuck her and her fake-ass black accent.
> As a white person, it’s not really my place to call her an Uncle Tom, but oh boy, she sure as hell acts like one.
According to your dad’s 23andMe reveal, he’s 1/4 black, which makes you one of us. So don’t sweat it. Although I think the correct term is Aunt Jemima.
“I’ve had similar thoughts lately. If these (mostly white) authoritarian boot-lickers keep pushing this pernicious narrative that only white people can be racist, then I say the only way to save America is to start deporting white people to reservations. Starting with them.”
Notice how authoritarian governments always liquidate the liberals first? Honestly, with everything going on now, I don’t even blame them. Lenin was saddled with 7+ million war orphans, and liberals were cheering for abolishing marriage and having all children raised by the state.
As for Aunt Jemima, I wasn’t aware she was a “racist” stereotype. Then again, my knowledge of black culture begins and ends with the Boondocks lol
> Notice how authoritarian governments always liquidate the liberals first?
People that walk around smelling their own farts and liking them make easy targets.
> Then again, my knowledge of black culture begins and ends with the Boondocks lol
You could do a lot worse. IMO The Boondocks is a fantastic critique of modern black culture – honest and doesn’t pull any punches. If you liked it, and you didn’t already know, HBO MAX is supposed to release a reboot this year.
PS, don’t drop the soap!
“People that walk around smelling their own farts and liking them make easy targets.”
And close their eyes when they talk. That’s what SMUG people do!
“You could do a lot worse. IMO The Boondocks is a fantastic critique of modern black culture – honest and doesn’t pull any punches. If you liked it, and you didn’t already know, HBO MAX is supposed to release a reboot this year.”
That’s good to know, I’ll have to keep an eye out for it. When I was watching it I knew a lot of the jokes were going over my head, but it was a brutally accurate take on all the different stereotypes of different people in American culture, and how they play off each other. I felt a little personally heh
Also, it was glorious how he triggered BET so hard they sent him a cease and desist. Those two episodes were so savage they must have felt like an EMP weapon detonating in low orbit.
“PS, don’t drop the soap!”
Poor Tom never gets a break. Got cucked by Usher too. Katt Williams was right. Sometimes you really do gotta smack a bitch, wow.
> As you saw in the story above; many liberal reporters seem to think that “terrorists” should be executed or disappeared to CIA black sites without a trial. Does this logic apply to journalists who endlessly beg for more mass shootings? If the government does become allowed to openly act like the Gestapo on crack, I think it’s only fair that the people who wanted that regime be the first to taste it. I've had similar thoughts lately. If these (mostly white) authoritarian boot-lickers keep pushing this pernicious narrative that only white people can be racist, then I say the only way to save America is to start deporting white people to reservations. Starting with them. We could even turn it into a reality TV show. Working title: Trail of White Tears. We'd have to gin up some conflict though – I don't think an hour of people doom-scrolling on Facebook and unironically posting YAASS QUEEN memes is enough to keep the show out of the Friday night death slot. As for Ms. Harris, she is even less authentic than Obama, and that's saying something. Here's her in the Senate debates:; here's her now: Fuck her and her fake-ass black accent. > As a white person, it’s not really my place to call her an Uncle Tom, but oh boy, she sure as hell acts like one. According to your dad's 23andMe reveal, he's 1/4 black, which makes you one of us. So don't sweat it. Although I think the correct term is Aunt Jemima.
"I’ve had similar thoughts lately. If these (mostly white) authoritarian boot-lickers keep pushing this pernicious narrative that only white people can be racist, then I say the only way to save America is to start deporting white people to reservations. Starting with them." Notice how authoritarian governments always liquidate the liberals first? Honestly, with everything going on now, I don't even blame them. Lenin was saddled with 7+ million war orphans, and liberals were cheering for abolishing marriage and having all children raised by the state. As for Aunt Jemima, I wasn't aware she was a "racist" stereotype. Then again, my knowledge of black culture begins and ends with the Boondocks lol
I take no position on the video. Obviously, if we had a functioning President, people wouldn’t be speculating about this sort of thing. “Fact checking” the video is an exercise in futility, since the fact is that whether or not the screen was green, Biden’s brains are leaking out his ears.
There is no Constitutional requirement that the President have two functioning brain cells to rub together, so as long as Biden has an actual pulse, this can continue. If they do a “Weekend At Joe’s” then presumably something would have to be done, but Kamala would like to be President very much, so I don’t think it will come to that.
As for journalists begging for mass shootings, that’s just simply not true, and how could you ever think such a thing? What journalists beg for is mass shooters who can advance their narrative. A mass shooter motivated by racial hatred is useful, a guy who had some kind of sexual problem less so. Witness Atlanta.
“As for journalists begging for mass shootings, that’s just simply not true, and how could you ever think such a thing? What journalists beg for is mass shooters who can advance their narrative. A mass shooter motivated by racial hatred is useful, a guy who had some kind of sexual problem less so. Witness Atlanta.”
That’s a fair point, however, the media is getting increasingly hegemonic, so they are getting close to the point where they can twist ANY crime to suit their narrative. Case in point – the alleged spike in hate crimes against Asian Americans. The most heinous crimes against elderly Asain people are being carried out by black criminals, but the media is repeatedly claiming the criminals are “white supremacists”
I take no position on the video. Obviously, if we had a functioning President, people wouldn't be speculating about this sort of thing. "Fact checking" the video is an exercise in futility, since the fact is that whether or not the screen was green, Biden's brains are leaking out his ears. There is no Constitutional requirement that the President have two functioning brain cells to rub together, so as long as Biden has an actual pulse, this can continue. If they do a "Weekend At Joe's" then presumably something would have to be done, but Kamala would like to be President very much, so I don't think it will come to that. As for journalists begging for mass shootings, that's just simply not true, and how could you ever think such a thing? What journalists beg for is mass shooters who can advance their narrative. A mass shooter motivated by racial hatred is useful, a guy who had some kind of sexual problem less so. Witness Atlanta.
"As for journalists begging for mass shootings, that’s just simply not true, and how could you ever think such a thing? What journalists beg for is mass shooters who can advance their narrative. A mass shooter motivated by racial hatred is useful, a guy who had some kind of sexual problem less so. Witness Atlanta." That's a fair point, however, the media is getting increasingly hegemonic, so they are getting close to the point where they can twist ANY crime to suit their narrative. Case in point – the alleged spike in hate crimes against Asian Americans. The most heinous crimes against elderly Asain people are being carried out by black criminals, but the media is repeatedly claiming the criminals are "white supremacists"
> Notice how authoritarian governments always liquidate the liberals first? People that walk around smelling their own farts and liking them make easy targets. > Then again, my knowledge of black culture begins and ends with the Boondocks lol You could do a lot worse. IMO The Boondocks is a fantastic critique of modern black culture – honest and doesn't pull any punches. If you liked it, and you didn't already know, HBO MAX is supposed to release a reboot this year. PS, don't drop the soap!
"People that walk around smelling their own farts and liking them make easy targets." And close their eyes when they talk. That's what SMUG people do! "You could do a lot worse. IMO The Boondocks is a fantastic critique of modern black culture – honest and doesn’t pull any punches. If you liked it, and you didn’t already know, HBO MAX is supposed to release a reboot this year." That's good to know, I'll have to keep an eye out for it. When I was watching it I knew a lot of the jokes were going over my head, but it was a brutally accurate take on all the different stereotypes of different people in American culture, and how they play off each other. I felt a little personally heh Also, it was glorious how he triggered BET so hard they sent him a cease and desist. Those two episodes were so savage they must have felt like an EMP weapon detonating in low orbit. "PS, don’t drop the soap!" Poor Tom never gets a break. Got cucked by Usher too. Katt Williams was right. Sometimes you really do gotta smack a bitch, wow.