Why is Biden Destroying the Military?
Joe Biden’s cancerous witch hunt against “white nationalists” might seem senseless, but there is a clear motivation for him to do this. Why is Biden destroying the military? Because he doesn’t want it anymore.
A lot of the things neoliberals do sound really stupid and self-defeating, and it took me a long time to comprehend why they love horrible policy so much. To name one example, why was failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton so obsessed with destroying our armed forces, and why is President Joe Biden doing the same thing? Why in the world would he, just days into his term, decide to dismantle the military? Why would he declare a purge against “white nationalists,” a term that’s been misused so often and for so long so it’s meaningless?
I’m not being hypothetical in my emphasis about how incredibly destructive this purge will be. It’s already been happening for years, just on a smaller scale. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of innocent military members are rotting in prison for obviously false sexual assault charges. Even more people are getting kicked out for preposterous harassment and discrimination offenses.
Straight white males aren’t the exclusive victims either. This can happen to anyone. When the Neoliberal Gestapo comes for you, they don’t care what race or sex you are, and they really don’t care what dating preference you listed on your Tinder profile. They’ll haul you to a kangaroo court that’s so ridiculous you’ll start to feel like the protagonist of a Kafka novel. You have no rights and you’re going to prison for just as long and for equally made-up accusations as Sgt. Billy Bob from Arkansas.
I’ve personally witnessed numerous incidents of this, and they’ve gotten more egregious over time. Within recent history I attended an Army school (I’m being deliberately vague for obvious reasons), and a disgruntled student made nonsense accusations against both of our instructors. The student accused one instructor, a lesbian, of making homophobic comments, and accused the second instructor, a black man, of saying “nigga” during a lecture.
As if this black comedy wasn’t absurd enough already, these weren’t even formal accusations. That’s important because writing a sworn statement is a UCMJ offense if proven to be false. So instead, the student made passive-aggressive statements in the end of class survey. That caused an investigation just as serious as a sworn statement would have, but ran no risk of backfiring on the accuser.
The sexual assault/discrimination kangaroo courts are a useful pilot program for the Great Purge of 2021, and that’s almost certainly the result of deliberate planning. I promise you that what’s coming will be even worse than everything leading up to it. This witch hunt will spin out of control almost immediately. People will be so scared they’ll preemptively accuse each other of being extremists by the tens of thousands. “Maj. Smith can’t call me a transphobe if I call her a transphobe first.”
This isn’t something that might end badly. It will end badly. The outcome is so obvious and inevitable, anyone who would claim it won’t happen is either grossly ignorant or a complicit liar. Biden’s order to establish a Gestapo to hunt down “white nationalists” will be so awful, it’ll make Stalin’s purge look like a Girl Scout cookie drive. At first glance that probably read like hyperbole, but it’s completely true. What’s about to happen is going to be much worse than the Stalinist repressions, and here’s why.
As brutal as his policies were, Stalin faced a real and very serious threat. He simply couldn’t trust his officer corps. A lot of Soviet military and civilian leaders were closet fascists who would have immediately defected to Hitler after the war started. There’s nothing that can be done with traitors except get rid of them.
That’s why Biden’s purge is different than Stalin’s, and it’s going to be much worse. Stalin wasn’t trying to destroy his military. Biden is trying to destroy his military.
Why would Biden want to destroy the military? The same reason neoliberals want to destroy the police, schools, and every other government and public institution. After the Federal, state, and local governments have all collapsed into total chaos and corruption, they can be replaced by corporations. In thisnew Dystopia that will likely come to define 21st Century America, corporations will be free of rulers. More than that, they will be the rulers.
Pinkerton is a long-time player in American history, and has participated in many battles in the ongoing war for freedom and egalitarianism. And this private security firm has managed to be on the evil side of every single one of those battles. A recent Pinkerton press release announced that they’re standing at the ready to deploy death squads around the world to fight “climate change.”
This revelation gives us two lessons. The first lesson is that we are not dealing with a “left-wing” threat. Pinkerton is part of the fascists’ enforcement arm and has a long history of suppressing American workers and breaking up any leader or organization that threatens absolute corporate power in the nation.
Now on to the second and equally important lesson; Biden and the globalists can safely destroy the American military because there is a clear replacement. Not only is a functioning national armed force unnecessary, it is counterproductive to the globalist agenda. Any institution that unites Americans is an enemy of the globalists. I discuss this theme at length in my ongoing series about the rising threat of globalism against every human civilization on Earth.
I hope you enjoy that taste of corporate boot, Dear Reader. That’s just the toes you’re feeling right now. Fascism Inc. is about to shove it down our throats all the way to the knee.
Ian Kummer

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Right on cue: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/us-army-halts-gender-neutral-fitness-test-as-women-struggle/CHFHJA5EYGHHQR4W73QZEHIHXY/
Right on cue: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/us-army-halts-gender-neutral-fitness-test-as-women-struggle/CHFHJA5EYGHHQR4W73QZEHIHXY/
Ha, I knew it. I just KNEW this would happen. I called it more than a year ago. That test is an ass kicker so I’m not going to trash talk my sisters and arms (I admittedly squeaked by on it myself).
I might actually make a post on that shit show at some point. My initial thoughts on this:
1) This was Army self-inflicted stupidity (as opposed to Biden or anyone else). The Army and the USMC are in this dumb dick-measuring contest for who can do the stupidest and counter-productive BS. In this case, the USMC introduced a combat fitness test, and ended up making it a separate test from their standard physical fitness test (PFT). Of course the Army learned nothing from that and are rolling into the same ditch, except worse.
2) I’m not sure what kind of control groups they used (or if the Army even understands what a “control group” is), but I’m betting they did this with 10-20 crossfit fanatics and couldn’t be bothered to see if the majority of the rank and file would be able to do this.
2b) If you lift a lot at the gym and use these muscle groups, the test is a breeze. If you don’t – it’s passable but takes quite a bit of time. Which is fine, except apparently the Army brass forgot that the Army Reserve and National Guard exist, and make up almost two thirds of the force. Of course those units will train up in the 2-3 months prior to a deployment, but this was an unrealistic demand for expect people with normal jobs
3) This test is really complicated and requires tens of thousands of dollars of equipment just for one complete set. That means if you need to, for example, attend a school but have an expired physical fitness score, you can’t just go out to the lawn with a couple sergeants and knock out some pushups, situps, and a quick run. Nope. You have to find a multi-million dollar set up nearby and hope they’re running an event in the time frame you need.d
3b) I refuse to believe that this wasn’t a corporate cash grab between some of these generals and their buddies in the private sector. The company that produces this bullshit has made millions, if not billions, of dollars producing this trash.
Ha, I knew it. I just KNEW this would happen. I called it more than a year ago. That test is an ass kicker so I'm not going to trash talk my sisters and arms (I admittedly squeaked by on it myself). I might actually make a post on that shit show at some point. My initial thoughts on this: 1) This was Army self-inflicted stupidity (as opposed to Biden or anyone else). The Army and the USMC are in this dumb dick-measuring contest for who can do the stupidest and counter-productive BS. In this case, the USMC introduced a combat fitness test, and ended up making it a separate test from their standard physical fitness test (PFT). Of course the Army learned nothing from that and are rolling into the same ditch, except worse. 2) I'm not sure what kind of control groups they used (or if the Army even understands what a "control group" is), but I'm betting they did this with 10-20 crossfit fanatics and couldn't be bothered to see if the majority of the rank and file would be able to do this. 2b) If you lift a lot at the gym and use these muscle groups, the test is a breeze. If you don't – it's passable but takes quite a bit of time. Which is fine, except apparently the Army brass forgot that the Army Reserve and National Guard exist, and make up almost two thirds of the force. Of course those units will train up in the 2-3 months prior to a deployment, but this was an unrealistic demand for expect people with normal jobs 3) This test is really complicated and requires tens of thousands of dollars of equipment just for one complete set. That means if you need to, for example, attend a school but have an expired physical fitness score, you can't just go out to the lawn with a couple sergeants and knock out some pushups, situps, and a quick run. Nope. You have to find a multi-million dollar set up nearby and hope they're running an event in the time frame you need.d 3b) I refuse to believe that this wasn't a corporate cash grab between some of these generals and their buddies in the private sector. The company that produces this bullshit has made millions, if not billions, of dollars producing this trash.
> This test is really complicated and requires tens of thousands of dollars of equipment just for one complete set
How?? Based on the article it looks like you only need a squat rack. Those are less than $3k.
> I might actually make a post on that shit show at some point.
Looking forward to it!
Big one is that there are like seven stations, and most of them require their own set of equipment. It also has to be standardized, so that throws out the idea of just grabbing some plates and sets from the gym.
Also remember that, allegedly, this was going to battalions. So you’ll want AT LEAST 5-10 sets of each station, unless you want to test 400 people one at a time lol
> This test is really complicated and requires tens of thousands of dollars of equipment just for one complete set How?? Based on the article it looks like you only need a squat rack. Those are less than $3k. > I might actually make a post on that shit show at some point. Looking forward to it!
You’re assuming a fact that is not in evidence, namely that Biden is actually running the show. After watching that speech, I’m not so sure. But otherwise, yeah, you’re right.
I think that part of what’s happening is a long habit of mind, with Americans thinking that they have some kind of bottomless safety margin in the event things go wrong. You can use less physically fit troops, less qualified officers, in the name of diversity, and we’ll make it all work somehow because we always have in the past. A lot of what passes for operational art in the US ground forces consists of bumping into things and then calling for support fire. I suppose you can get away with a lot of diversity like that. (Until you can’t.)
Besides, the main enemy is Whiteness. The people in charge may be more afraid of an insurrection at home than they are of serious military defeat overseas. Totalitarian governments can get this way. Recall that the old KGB had the Third Chief Directorate, which spied on the Russian army, because it was theoretically capable of removing the regime and therefore had to be kept under control. But if the Rulers keep poking at the Russians around the periphery of Russian territory, they may find that the Russian army is a tougher opponent than the MAGA hordes in the Capitol and Bison Man.
Stalin may have faced a more serious threat, but paranoia strikes deep. The fear that grips the Ruling class is real enough. Step out of line, the Man come and take you away.
I agree on all your points. Especially Biden. I’ve come to wonder that myself about him. I’ve also heard rumors that he was basically bullied into running. I have never personally disliked Biden, I never considered him a bad person. So if this is thecase, and he is just being manipulated as a puppet with name recognition, then that makes things even more awful than I initially thought.
You're assuming a fact that is not in evidence, namely that Biden is actually running the show. After watching that speech, I'm not so sure. But otherwise, yeah, you're right. I think that part of what's happening is a long habit of mind, with Americans thinking that they have some kind of bottomless safety margin in the event things go wrong. You can use less physically fit troops, less qualified officers, in the name of diversity, and we'll make it all work somehow because we always have in the past. A lot of what passes for operational art in the US ground forces consists of bumping into things and then calling for support fire. I suppose you can get away with a lot of diversity like that. (Until you can't.) Besides, the main enemy is Whiteness. The people in charge may be more afraid of an insurrection at home than they are of serious military defeat overseas. Totalitarian governments can get this way. Recall that the old KGB had the Third Chief Directorate, which spied on the Russian army, because it was theoretically capable of removing the regime and therefore had to be kept under control. But if the Rulers keep poking at the Russians around the periphery of Russian territory, they may find that the Russian army is a tougher opponent than the MAGA hordes in the Capitol and Bison Man. Stalin may have faced a more serious threat, but paranoia strikes deep. The fear that grips the Ruling class is real enough. Step out of line, the Man come and take you away.
Big one is that there are like seven stations, and most of them require their own set of equipment. It also has to be standardized, so that throws out the idea of just grabbing some plates and sets from the gym. Also remember that, allegedly, this was going to battalions. So you'll want AT LEAST 5-10 sets of each station, unless you want to test 400 people one at a time lol
I agree on all your points. Especially Biden. I've come to wonder that myself about him. I've also heard rumors that he was basically bullied into running. I have never personally disliked Biden, I never considered him a bad person. So if this is thecase, and he is just being manipulated as a puppet with name recognition, then that makes things even more awful than I initially thought.