America is on the Brink of State Fascism

tank donetsk russo-ukrainian war

A little over a year ago I wrote that the Biden regime closely resembled a nazi dictatorship. I saw the patterns and it started to dawn on me that everything I’ve ever been taught about almost any historical or political subject was a lie. To be honest, I had something of an existential crisis over the whole affair, and I disappeared into a mental institution for two months (there were other factors that contributed to this).

Is Ukraine the New Poland?

Once upon a time, stop me if you’ve heard this story before, Anglo diplomats surveyed the ruins of a fallen empire, and hatched a nefarious plan. They insisted on the creation of a militaristic right-wing pseudostate, with borders drawn up in a way that would be deliberately provocative to her neighbors. Then the Western powers all swore that this weird artificial state had inviolable sovereignty and signed unenforceable mutual defense pacts with her. Just creating this imaginary country was a weird and stupid idea, and that decision was made even more weird and stupid by the following mutual defense agreements. Even a small border dispute would immediately and inevitably erupt into a world war, and of course that’s exactly what happened.

Fake News Killed the Ukrainians and it is Our Fault

sitrep in ukraine march 4. battle map.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already beginning to doubt the official narrative the entire western media has been pounding into our heads, and you’re completely correct. This is a terrible tragedy and Ukraine was the primary victim. The Russians didn’t do this to her, we did.

Just because a statement is a lie doesn’t mean the opposite statement is true. The Russian intervention into Ukraine is not the worst thing that ever happened. So yes, the West’s narrative is wrong. This intervention is not literally like the Holocaust like the professional Russia hater Julia Ioffe claimed (It’s a little gross for a Jewish person to casually throw around Holocaust comparisons, especially while condemning anyone else who does it). However, the opposite statement is not automatically true. Sending tanks into Ukraine was not a good thing. But I have not seen or heard even one Russian claim that this was anything less than horrible. They all know this is horrible, but continuing to do nothing would be worse. And this isn’t a statement of reason or logic on their part. It’s a moral statement.