Yeonmi Park Claims Going to University is Worse than North Korea

Imperialist darling Yeonmi Park claims that North Korea is so horrible, there are literally piles of dead bodies in the streets, rivers, and train stations. As a child in the regime, Park said that she saw dead bodies every day, and this was normal “like the air we’re breathing now.” Nobody taught her what “compassion” is (not even her own mom?). People are executed for watching James Bond movies. But American college campuses are worse? Yeonmi Park is a pathological liar who will say whatever she thinks is popular at the moment, no matter how crazy and stupid it is.

Yeonmi Park grew up in a wealthy family in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), which makes her wildly inconsistent stories even more unbelievable. Her family was rich enough to afford luxury clothing and purses, but still suffered that much? Here’s a very politely worded analysis of her claims in The Diplomat. This was printed in 2014. As absurd as she was back then, Park has gotten much worse in the years since. Also note her “rebuttal” published at the end of the article:

Much of the time, there was miscommunication because of a language barrier. I have only learned English in the last year or so, and I’m trying hard to improve every day to be a better advocate for my people

Yeonmi Park

I see. To be fair, I’m learning a foreign language too, and often encounter the same problem. I’ll confuse words or mispronounce a phrase, and it turns everything I ever said into lies. Yeonmi Park speaks and writes excellent English. It was good enough for her to earn a college degree and give interviews to the media. Her English is fine, she’s just a liar. For how long is she going to hide behind an imaginary “language barrier” and expect people to believe that?

Now watch this ridiculous interview she had with Joe Rogan in August. I am amazed that any human being could sit in a room with her and actually believe this gibberish. Every single second of it is comedy gold. Apparently, North Korean people don’t have phones, or… letters? Yes, she actually says that. People in the DPRK aren’t allowed to write each other letters because, I don’t know, it’s illegal or something. It’s unclear if she even thinks about this bullshit ahead of time. I swear she just makes it up as she goes along.

At one point she claims that she saw a boy begging for food while his organs were hanging out. Again, there is nothing too ridiculous for her to say.

I felt nothing.

Yeonmi Park

You didn’t feel anything because this literally never happened, Yeonmi. But I think my favorite part was when she claimed that North Korean people are forced to manually push trains. An empty train car weighs 60-70 tons. No wonder they won the war! One North Korean peasant can easily overpower a thousand elite American soldiers.

mr. incredible working out. A typical north korean working out
A typical North Korean commuting to work.

That claim was stupid even for her and I love watching shitlibs endlessly try to defend it, like in this Reddit thread.

This comes from the fact that English is Yeonmi Park’s third language, and she occasionally phrases things in a confusing way. If I understood correctly, she was explaining how the North Korean train network gets shut down regularly (because of lack of fuel), so a train journey that should take 1 h can sometimes be delayed up to one month.

Idiot Shitlib on the Internet

Okay, great excuse, except she made a pushing gesture as she said this, so it can’t be explained away as a miscommunication.

yeonmi park joe rogan push trains

I’m in no way insinuating that life in the DPRK isn’t hard. I’m sure it is hard. The war devastated 85% of North Korea’s structures and killed 1/5 of their population, and they’ve been under siege ever since. It also doesn’t help that they have to maintain a large military to constantly defend themselves from the American forces sitting at their border. Who’s fault is that, exactly? Oh, right, the “regime.” Of course. But Yeonmi Park is such a sociopath she can’t keep her lies believable. She can’t even keep her stories straight, that’s why she repeatedly contradicts herself.

Anyway, what’s the latest sob story from Yeonmi Park? Well, apparently even her most hysterical fairy tales about the 100 gorillion victims of communism have gone stale. The world has moved on and Yeonmi isn’t getting the attention she craves. So, she needs a new shtick and has apparently found one. She went to Fox News and cried that woke college campuses are bad.

Even North Korea was not this nuts

Yeonmi Park

So North Korea was so bad, dead bodies were literally stacked like wood and rats ate people’s eyes… but being a privileged exchange student at an Ivy League campus was worse?

Ian Kummer

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