Wind of Change
The song “Wind of Change” by the German rock band the Scorpions was perfectly timed when it was released in 1990: the communist system was crumbling, and people in Europe felt that there was at last a chance for lasting peace and cooperation after the Cold War had ended. Klaus Meine, the famous voice of the Scorpions, was inspired by the band’s visit to Russia in the previous year to write what has since become one of the most successful songs in the history of popular music, with over 14 million copies sold.
Poison or Treatment? Dose and Doctor Matter
In a way, the West denied people in the Global South and in the former USSR the right to protest. I mean, whenever people in those countries are unhappy about a specific(!) problem and start protesting against this specific thing, there are western NGOs ready to help them balkanize and fail the motherland. See also … Read more