What the Jordan Neely Subway Incident Says About America

The USA is now a hellscape with politicized law enforcement that demands one value from its citizens: passive compliance.

For those of you who missed the story: last Monday, homeless man Jordan Neely boarded a NYC subway train, had a mental episode that ended with a former Marine, Daniel Penny, putting him in a chokehold for 15 minutes. Neely died. You can watch the video here at the Daily Mail.

Before I make any conclusions, here are a few facts I noticed from the video:

-At some point after Penny put Neely in a chokehold, two other men started to participate in restraining Neely.

-The other passengers in the car, including two women, don’t seem alarmed by Penny’s actions (implying that they feel Neely was the aggressor in the situation).

-The cameraman, Juan Alberto Vazquez, who spoke out to the media, doesn’t seem to raise any objections during the event itself.

So that’s the facts. Since then, there have been mass protests in NYC demanding that Penny be arrested. Okay, but here’s my question. Where were all these protests before Neely died?

The awful condition of American subway systems are no secret, particularly recently with rising drug problems, homelessness, and crime waves in cities across the country. There are incidents like this one a month or so ago, when a black man went on an obscenity-ridden rant against a seated white family on a NYC subway. He was never arrested and there doesn’t seem to have been even an attempt to do so.

Then there are much more extreme cases, like this one from Philadelphia in 2021 when a man harassed and raped a woman passenger over an extended period of time while as many as ten witnesses watched it happen, some recording it with their phones, but did nothing – not even call the police.

In 2021, the NYC subway had 461 recorded felony assaults, including 8 homicides. In 2022, the number of felony assaults on the subway went up 42%, though murders stayed about the same.

There’s a very clear lesson to be learned here. You, as a normal citizen, can be robbed, raped, or murdered at will and our police won’t even lift a finger to do anything to prevent it, and usually not even arresting the criminal afterwards. And even when the criminal is arrested, his bail and jail sentence will be laughably low. Consider the Philadelphia subway rapist I referenced above, who was given just an $18,000 bail. And this wasn’t just an ambiguous “he said, she said” date rape scenario, he had violently assaulted another person for a prolonged period of time in public and on camera. That’s the bail violent rapists can expect in democratic America. But if you’re charged with a political crime, like protesting on Jan. 6, expect a bail in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Police won’t help you because that’s not their job. Police are simply security officers for the central party. Their duty is to provide personal security for our elites and arrest political dissidents, and that’s it.

Furthermore, when you are approached by one of these criminals, the only approved reaction is to comply, and bend over for him (literally). If you take matters into your own hands and defend yourself from the criminal, or try to defend others from him, you will be arrested for it. You will likely face both local and federal charges for violating the “civil liberties” of the criminal you harmed, and you will go to prison. You will go to prison for a very long time, probably 5, 10, or 20 years. Your prison sentence will literally be longer than a man who raped children. Several times longer, actually.

A possible, or actually the only respite for you is an organized defense and crowd-funding, but even that is waning. The American Right is quite obviously divided, weak, and useless. The banking cabal has done an excellent job of making sure only approved party members have access to financial tools like Go Fund Me, or even bank accounts or a page on Facebook. If you don’t believe me, try to set up a fundraiser for Penny, or an American social media page for him and see how long it takes for it to be taken down for promoting a “dangerous individual.”

The best advice I can give is to try to escape to a sane country while you still can.

Ian Kummer

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9 thoughts on “What the Jordan Neely Subway Incident Says About America”

  1. Well, however you frame it, this was surly a fcuked up thing, and what you said as “facts” at the beginning makes it more fcuked up. This guy got “vigilante justice” for being in a situation that modern US society is completely unable to handle and not because this is such a complex problem but because the people on the top don’t care. This guy was poor with mental health problems, this is automatically made him an “unworthy” individual. Furthermore, most (or even all) of what you write about the subways are the result of unhandled social, societal, and health problems. Well, _violence_ is the only method the US handles these things, and the fact that an actual on duty _policeman_ might have choked this bloke to death too illustrates this very well. Even minor incidents can easily escalate nowadays in the US to the point when police (or vigilantes, for that matter) can kill you. “Defund the police” is a convoluted and confused answer to a fcuked up situation people have started to recognize. They don’t have _good_ answers ‘cos everything has been done for them not to have answers. But it doesn’t mean this is good what they have here.
    It may be useful to compare the subway in Moscow (or Shanghai, or Budapest) to the US. Russia is not a Paradise on Earth but you can’t see there this kind of societal breakdown. Society is less polarized, wealth distribution is much less uneven if you take away a very thin layer of oligarchy. People aren’t rich but extreme poverty is not at all prevalent. Basic health care is free, you can’t see masses of people with clear signs of mental health issues.

    • Hell, even the metro in Yerevan Armenia was safer than in the USA. However, I completely disagree with this assertion that American police, or “American vigilantes” are more violent. It’s true that police in France or Russia kill far fewer people, but people in these countries are also far less stupid. If you attack a cop yes of course you’re going to get your ass beat and possibly killed.

      The social problems of the USA are deliberate policy by our elites. Opening the borders and flooding the country with drugs, catch and release policing, disrupting the labor market with huge numbers of both legal and illegal migrants, all contributed to the mess we have now. And yes it is an absolutely deliberate one.

  2. Your analysis is spot on, as usual, but I don’t think a hundred million Americans escaping is a viable choice. Who is going to take us?

    We made this bed, and now we have to lie in it.

    No, the only way out for us is if working class whites, blacks, and Hispanics recognize that the soy white liberal and his lumpen degenerate ‘allies’ are the problem. You already see it in this video, a Hispanic dude (Dominican?) is helping our boy Penny out.

    It is time for the silent majority to make some noise.

    • Randolorian, you nailed it and I’ve been advocating it everywhere I can. The division in the USA is by design. Our Rulers who own the media and politicians keep us divided hence conquered. There is no separation between Press and State. The system is rigged and I believe elections are too.

      Unity of the sane masses who are suffering from the onslaught of the Nazi regime running our country is the only solution and very difficult to achieve.

      As Ian described how all Russians have access to basic medical care, I’ve been proposing the same. If we had a Medical System where everyone participated including the Doctors, it would be the best system in the World.

      By the way, Ian’s Dad is posting again on fabiusmaximus.com!

  3. I have watched the very same Americans who wanted to “skin alive” George W Shrub in 2006 for invading Iraq extol him as a hero in 2016 for making an anti Trump comment. I have watched a Houston woman who was funny and intelligent ten years ago turn into a demented ranting harpie blindly following the Bidet party line. I keep seeing people like Dreizin and Kunstler predict hopefully that this situation in America can’t last. Oh yes it can, because just like the Ukranazi coup regime fundamentally changed Ukrainians in 8 years, the woke mob is doing the exact same thing in America.


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