This is a compilation of background information about the crisis in Ukraine, complete with assorted links and an ongoing feed of all my updates. If you want to catch up a friend on the situation, or sway someone’s opinion, this is the place to send him. This page of course is a work in progress, so please keep checking in for updates. I also encourage everyone to drop links to blogs, news articles, and other information you think I should be paying attention to.
Last Updated 2345 CST 18 March – I am unstickying this post now. More updates coming on the main page. Stay tuned.
Update 1: I think the company hosting my comments plugin was – ironically – sanctioned. In the meantime, I will be switching to the native comments user interface for WordPress. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Update 2: Nuclear deference section added.
Update 3: List of recommended Russian sources added.
Update 4: Fixed error where random posts unrelated to Ukraine were showing up in the feed.
Update 5: Update about Donetsk missile attack
Update 6: Disinformation about a so-called “no-fly zone”
Update 7: Nazi false flag attack against Mariupol civilians
Update 8: Ukreaine is the new Poland
A really quick synopsis of my expertise. I have roughly ten years of media relations experience, with jobs in government, military, and corporate entities. I’m not a general or a master tactician, so I try to avoid running my mouth about things I’m not qualified to understand. To be frank, there is already far too much of that in the last few weeks. This is an ongoing war with very little information, and much of that information is false. Let’s focus on what we know, sticking with broad terms, and avoid excessively detailed, sweeping statements backed up by too little evidence.
I cut out as much fluff as I could on this page, no pretty pictures or graphics, just plain text. I have had a huge amount of traffic in the last couple of days – this is a good thing and I’m glad the things I’m saying resonate with so many people, but load times have gone to hell and I’m trying my best to keep your reading experience as pleasant as possible.
Now, here’s a quick rundown on the situation:
Ukraine is a Trap For Russia
I was surprised by the Russian intervention into Ukrainian territory, but I am also not surprised. NATO has been trying to provoke Russia into launching an attack against Ukraine, and they’ve been openly talking about it for years. The most common and most obvious comparison is Afghanistan. Well, if our leaders wanted Ukraine to be Afghanistan, and use Ukrainians as cannon fodder against the Russian army, how can we honestly pretend that anyone else is to blame? Read this entry here.
This War Did Not Start Yesterday – Remember the Minsk Agreements?
Or last month. It’s been raging for eight years. Russian people in Donbass have been under siege shelled and shot at for eight years. The Ukrainian government also cut off all electricity and water to Donbass, and Crimea too. This is in every sense a siege. Even if someone wants to believe that all of these attacks on civilians are Kremlin propaganda, there is one fact that cannot be denied. The Ukrainian government refused to honor the Minsk accords, a binding document that they signed back in 2015. This was a roadmap that would have brought peace to the region, if the Ukrainian regime had honored it. They had eight years to do it, and still refused. This is fact and cannot be disputed. Read this entry here.
The USA is Teetering on the Edge of Economic Calamity, Blaming Russia is a Useful Distraction
Yes, the sanctions war with Russia is not doing the American economy any favors, but we were having problems long beforehand. The Biden regime is in serious trouble, and is likely hoping that they can blame their own failures and incompetence on Russian warmongering. I wrote this article back in January – not all of my predictions were correct, many were wrong, but this one was right. Biden spokespeople and their faithful slaves in the corporate media have delighted in blaming American inflation and price hikes on the Russian war. This is a ridiculous and demonstrably false claim, but they say it anyway. Read this entry here.
Fake News is Killing People
People are killed with guns and bombs, but they can also be killed by fake news, and that’s exactly what’s happening. Fake news from Western governments and media outlets is prolonging the war in Ukraine. The second and possibly more insidious objective is to portray Russia as a simultaneously weak and strong strawman – terrifyingly powerful, but also easy to beat. This compels Western audiences to support military aid to Ukraine, and without fearing Russian retaliation. There’s also a danger that Western audiences will have such an unrealistic picture of the war they’ll successfully pressure their governments into direct intervention against Russia, which would be a bloodbath, and potentially nuclear war. Read this entry here.
This is the Biggest Disinformation War in History
The collective West is spending ungodly sums of money to spread fake news. This disinformation has two likely objectives. The first objective is to encourage Ukrainians to continue a pointless fight, sacrificing their own lives to slowly wear down the Russian war machine. Yes, this makes them literally cannon fodder for the West. Biden plans to fight Russia “down to the last Ukrainian.” Does that sound immoral? Well, of course it is immoral. We’re talking about a government that openly talks about turning Ukraine into Afghanistan, a failed state devasted by war, famine, and suffering for generations. Read this entry here.
We are Confident This Could Not Lead to Nuclear War. We are Wrong
This is not about Ukraine. It’s a conflict between world powers, shaping up to be a world war, if you will. No nation would willingly lose a world war with unfired nuclear missiles. Unless someone starts to deescalate this conflict, it is pretty much guaranteed to eventually degenerate into a nuclear conflict. A nuclear war could happen at any moment, it is imminent. That might sound like hyperbole, but we can’t assume that this confrontation will simmer down just because all of the previous ones did. Read this entry here.
List of Information Channels Worth Following:
Several Russian-speaking Telegram channels for those who are not satisfied with the official Orwellian media of the free and democratic West: (on energy, very professional)
Full List of Posts and Updates About Ukraine:
To see the full list of my posts about Ukraine from newest to oldest, click here.
When Ukrainian Nazis Murder Russians, We Lie and Claim the Russians Killed Themselves
Everything that doesn’t fit the narrative is “Russian false flag disinformation propaganda,” even when that explanation is stupid. How come “journalists” loudly insist on “fact-checking” and “debunking” every story from the Russian side? Where was this enthusiasm for “fact checking” when Biden murdered an entire family of 13 people in Kabul, and the Pentagon insisted that there were no civilian casualties? Not only did the media blindly repeat this statement as absolute fact, they continued to repeat the Pentagon narrative long after it was clear they were lying. “Pentagon investigates themselves and finds they did nothing wrong.” Yes, slay, Queen! The peanut gallery applauded. Read the full entry here.
“No Fly-Zone” is a Euphemism for War
The West is utterly divorced from reality. Shooting down aircraft belonging to another nation is an act of war, and treating it as anything less than that is utterly insane. A “no-fly zone” is a crazy idea and the Biden regime is correctly dismissing the idea, but the media and public are so divorced from reality, they genuinely don’t understand why this is a bad idea. Read the full entry here.
Nazis Attack Ukrainian Civilians and Blame it on Russia
Not only do UKrainian nazis murder Russian civilians, they murder their own civilians too. The Mariupol bombing is one of the more extreme cases of this, and was most obviously a nazi attack, nothing to do with Russian aircraft. Read the full entry here.
Ukraine is the new Poland
Once upon a time, stop me if you’ve heard this story before, Anglo diplomats surveyed the ruins of a fallen empire, and hatched a nefarious plan. They insisted on the creation of a militaristic right-wing pseudostate, with borders drawn up in a way that would be deliberately provocative to her neighbors. Then the Western powers all swore that this weird artificial state had inviolable sovereignty and signed unenforceable mutual defense pacts with her. Just creating this imaginary country was a weird and stupid idea, and that decision was made even more weird and stupid by the following mutual defense agreements. Even a small border dispute would immediately and inevitably erupt into a world war, and of course that’s exactly what happened.
If you think I’m talking about 1991 Ukraine, you are correct, but also not correct. I’m talking about 1919 Poland. Read the full entry here.
Comments are open, guys.
The funnies news for the past 12 hours was that Russia asked China to supply weapons. People really have to update their Russia files.
Several Russian-speaking Telegram channels for those who are not satisfied with the official Orwellian media of the free and democratic West: (on energy, very professional)
added this to the post, thanks!
The most prominent channel I have encountered –
Hosted by Yury Podolyaka – ukranian geopolitical blogger.
Zero propaganda, just facts with cold analysis.
i.e. on feb 23d he predicted that in nearest days Russia would have started its operation.
Btw, Russian official media often invite him.
Very good, I will take a look at this!
I shortcoded the dropdown wrong, so it was showing completely random posts unrelated to Ukraine. I fixed it.
Some news
-UK MoD: Russian navy dominates the Black Sea coast of Ukraine.
-Ukraine suspends recruitment of foreign mercenaries after their bases near Lvov was destroyed by Russia.
-YouTube sticks to its Orwellian policy and deletes Soviet movies and TV shows on several channels
Translate if you want the whole story, but the gist is: gasoline prices up in the West, down in Russia)
Стоимость бензина в Австралии достигла восьмилетнего максимума
Цена литра топлива там сейчас составляет порядка 1,5 доллара США. К резкому росту привели спрос на нефть и отказ ОПЕК увеличить добычу.
В Германии ситуация угрожает существованию транспортно-логистической отрасли. А в Америке после запрета на поставки российского топлива цены бьют абсолютные антирекорды 2008 года. К концу прошлой недели наблюдалось превышение на 20 центов за галлон. Если перевести в литры и рубли, то аналог 92-го бензина стоит 133 рубля, а полный бак – порядка 8 тысяч.
Тем временем в России в некоторых регионах цены на бензин начали снижаться на независимых АЗС. Так произошло в Нижегородской и Иркутской областях, Приморском крае, в Сыктывкаре и Салехарде
Summary: Russia and India to trade in national currencies
Индия и Россия рассматривают создание механизма торговых расчётов в национальных валютах (рупия и рубль).
Об этом сообщает газета Mint со ссылкой на источники в индийском правительстве.
Такой механизм торговли позволит индийским экспортёрам получать оплату за поставки в Россию в рупиях, а не в долларах или евро.
В рамках такого соглашения российский банк должен будет открыть счёт в индийском банке, а индийский банк — открыть счёт в России.
Russian MoD in English
Statement by Russian Defence Ministry
Amazon sells T-shirts with nazi symbols.
If you don’t read in Russian, it is about gasoline prices down in Moscow. There was news earlier today about similar trend in other regions.
Цены на бензин на АЗС Москвы за период с 9 по 14 марта упали впервые с января
Цены на бензин на автозаправках Москвы за период с 9 по 14 марта упали впервые с января, а на дизельное топливо — впервые с сентября 2021 года, следует из данных Московской топливной ассоциации (МТА).
По данным МТА, бензин марки Аи-92 подешевел в среднем на 2 копейки, до 47,86 рубля за литр. Стоимость Аи-95 опустилась на 1 копейку, составив 53,04 рубля за литр, а Аи-100 — не изменилась, оставшись на уровне 61,1 рубля. Сильнее всего в Москве подешевело дизельное топливо — на 5 копеек, до 54,27 рубля за литр.
Бензин за отчетный период стал дешевле на заправках “РН-Москва” (“Роснефть”) и “Транс-АЗС”. Дизельное топливо в столице подешевело на сети АЗС Shell, но подорожало у “Транс-АЗС”.
Реальное падение ожидается в перспективе 1-2х месяцев, насколько постоянным будет снижение цен – покажет практика
If you don’t read in Russian, it is about gasoline prices down in Moscow. There was news earlier today about similar trend in other regions.
Documentary about what was happening in Ukraine over the past 8 years, subtitled.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
hurry up, YuoTube performs information cleanses. fakes debunked
Funny. Russia is supposed to make payment under eurobonds. The payment order is sent, the money is supposed to be either taken from the frozen reserves or paid in Rubles. The West say it is technical default.
Hmm, I actually don’t understand why we have to pay anything to robbers who took our money.
Your truthful comment made me smile. Bless your heavy heart.
I guess I’ll have to download the Telegram app after I look at the YouTube videos you posted links to.
Kind regards.
So glad you started posting at MoA, keep writing. I’m a history junkie. The awfulness of contextual and/or historical understanding I’ve seen amongst even well-educated friends is disheartening. But I do now have my 20-min “brief history of Ukraine” speech down pat now. Once upon a time I spoke Russian well (I was in Piter in 99/2000). Rusty now, but between what skills I have left and the technology of machine translation I’m able to access Russian perspectives and news and it’s probably the only thing keeping me sane while my nation devours itself in an orgy of hate and sides with Nazis.