Peaceful Resolution for Ukraine Is Far Away

Another talk on Billy Bob’s channel. I argue that there is no sign of the war ending. It likely won’t be over until after the 2024 US presidential election. The withdrawal from Afghanistan happened in summer 2021, after Biden was safely in office. By the time the midterm elections came, the Afghan embarrassment had already been buried in a dozen other more recent issues. I also don’t believe there’s some conspiracy to break up the USA. De-dollarization isn’t an intentional or desirable goal.

What were the non-aggression treaty benefits to the Soviet Union?

garden of europe against the ussr

Many people ask what was the benefit of the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact between Germany and the USSR. Here I will attempt an answer. The single most serious threat to Russia, both as a state and as an ethnicity, is a unified western Europe. Luckily for Russians, Europeans are usually too busy killing each other to ever unify properly against Russia. Whenever one European power gets strong enough to lead a coalition to ethnically cleanse Russia, another European power stabs them in the back. The picture I show above is a good example of this.