Ultra Violence
At the dawn of the 21st Century, oligarchs of Venus invented the deadliest weapon in history: Ultra Violence. After six weeks of chemical brainwashing, Ultra Violence turned young men and boys into a new race of super soldiers. They destroyed their enemies with ease, but at an awful price. Nearly all the soldiers went mad.
They became the Lost Generation, discarded by a government that no longer wanted them. Prone to sudden outbursts of indiscriminate violence, most of these broken veterans were killed or banished to the Penal Colonies.
Alex, a creative young man driven dangerously insane by Ultra Violence, was cast out of society. He only lived thanks to the kindness of his best friend Hanson, who survived Ultra Violence with his mind intact.
Then came the Fall of Man: a nuclear war that all but extinguished humanity on three planets. In the aftermath, Alex and Hanson carve a new life on the wastelands of Venus. Most people scrape by best they can; men who thrive in that environment are more terrifying than the nuclear bombs that destroyed the old world.
Alex has a new goal besides mere survival. He dreams of becoming a king and shaping a new world in his own image. The one-eyed man rules the land of the blind. Who rules in a land gone mad? The maddest man of them all.
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