A Tale of Two Pipelines

A Tale of Two Pipelines

Remember all that big talk about how the Biden White House was finally going to get “tough” with the Kremlin? Yes, those comments aged like fine wine. All saber rattling and sanction signing aside, Russia is not dependent on NATO. Rather, NATO is dependent on Russia and it shows. The Warhawk battle cry is more like a whimper and Joe Biden cannot take any meaningful action against the Russian bear without shooting himself in the kneecap.

Biden Went Toe to Toe with Putin and Lost

biden went toe to toe with putin and biden lost

Ukraine seems to have lost confidence in NATO. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asked to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin for talks in Donbass. In exchange, Putin agreed to meet… in Moscow. Then he declared his “training exercise” over and ordered the Russian units massed at the border to withdraw. This is a huge embarrassment for both the Biden administration and NATO. Here’s my explanation for what happened.