Siege Mentality, Total War and Ursula von der Leyen

It’s been a while since I have posted here. I feel that blogging is futile for me. No one cares, no one will listen. It’s discouraging. The [western] world is ready for another Bucha because this world needs to see Russians as cruel creatures who only “look like Europeans, but are not” ©. Another tiny step further, and they will gladly state that Russians are not humans.

The Downfall of Europe

Missile that hits Kramatorsk is not in service in Russia, DPR or LPR - territorial defence

Near the beginning of this mess I wrote about the deadly effects of social media on the war in Ukraine, and now we’re seeing this campaign reach ghastly but entirely predictable conclusions. I have also written that nazis are not nationalists. Nationalists try to make their own countries strong and prosperous. Nazis do the opposite. … Read more