Recently I saw a lovely 1940 film The Bright Path set in the 1930s. The main character Tanya is an ignorant, hysterical and illiterate peasant who works as a cleaning lady at a provincial hotel. She falls in love with a promising engineer but rejects his romantic advances on her because she’s not his social equal. He’s a university educated professional and she’s a nobody with zero useful skills. That’s of course a Tsarist feudal way of thinking. It was dangerous for a working class girl to get involved with a man far above her social station. And even if the arrangement does somehow work out, it’s more than a little degrading for one person in a marriage to be so dependent on the other. It’s more like charity than love.
Then under communism, Tanya learns to read and becomes a highly successful worker at a weaving factory. At the end of the movie she no longer has any reservations about dating the handsome engineer.
So The Bright Path is an enjoyable movie for everyone that emphasizes the industrialization and liquidation of illiteracy in the Soviet Union. But it is specifically aimed at young girls and women like Tanya. They shouldn’t be afraid to break old gender norms and enter the industrial workforce, and they don’t have to marry out of economic necessity.
I like Soviet films from this period because of their portrayal of working class and peasants. There are characters who are very ignorant and silly, but they’re not portrayed as bad or inferior to educated people like in most western films. And there’s a future for everyone in the new world.
Ian Kummer

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Nowadays we have women-bitches who are taught that marriage and bringing children is bellow their status.
There’s a Marxist root on this and many else. An evil root.
the only family is the corporate family 🙂
Good to have you back. I was wondering where you’ve been!
I’ve been reading your blog but haven’t had the time to make thoughtful comments. This ignorant comment by someone who clearly hasn’t read Marx just rustled my jimmies and I felt compelled to respond. I don’t know how people can distrust blatant lies by our government but believe the original lie that set us down this path in the first place! ♂️
Also, if I haven’t already, I would like to thank you personally for having comrade Slava on your show!
And what the original lie might be sweetie?
That Communism is here to destroy the American way of life.
On the contrary, it is how we will preserve our way of life. Socialism with American Characteristics will be based on guns, baseball, and grilling meat on the weekends.
I wasn’t talking about America, I couldn’t care less what your future will be.
Where it concerns the U.S. I just want it out of Europe.
As to Marx, yes he wanted Western societies swept starting with the traditional family, Christianity and sound money.
Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up these claims
“…comment by someone who clearly hasn’t read Marx …”
And you clearly know nothing about history or are one of those involved in spreading confusion as the article above points out.
“Do you have any evidence whatsoever to back up these claims”
Everyone knows the early USSR, in homage to Marx as closely as possible, sought to break up the nuclear family. Even the AI at DuckDuckGo knows this,
The early Soviet government aimed to weaken traditional family structures, viewing them as bourgeois institutions. They implemented policies that made divorce easy, abolished the concept of illegitimate children, and promoted communal living, but later shifted to strengthen family units in the 1930s due to social issues arising from these changes…”
(Basically live like Negros)
This early family break up scheme was a huge disaster and was changed. I would bet the poster you linked was after the family break up scheme crashed.
Of course this sort of ill reasoning could be expected by a “Randolorian”. Whose famous book telling them how to live is about a guy who magically finds a way to make free energy and gets upset that other people use his free energy, instead of maybe worshipping him?? (The parallels are oh so obvious)Then he goes to hang out with people who destroy all the public property they can, moves to a magic valley that is invisible and for some reason has gold laying around all over the place they gather up.
That free energy stuff. It sounds a lot like the FED doesn’t it? Make something for free and want to chage everyone for it, all the while destroying all the public works and gathering up all the gold laying around.
Getting your answer from woke AI and wikipedia is not really a flex dude. Are you a Liberal?
> (Basically live like Negros)
Ah, you are. Never mind that Liberals were the ones who paid the black woman to kick her man out the house. We were doing fine before that.
Yes there were ultra-left elements pushing for this crap. Thankfully Stalin purged those elements when he came to power.
Why not go to the source material? Go read ‘The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State’ by Engels and try again.