Each racial scandal in the USA is more bizarre than the previous one.
I remember a Monty Python comedy skit about gangs of vicious old ladies attacking fit, defenseless young men.
Life imitates art, apparently.
A week ago, social justice warriors and the corporate media accused a pregnant white hospital worker in Manhattan of trying to steal a bike from a group of five defenseless young black men. Oh yes, what a huge problem that happens all the time. Those poor helpless fit young black men live in constant fear of being viciously beaten and robbed by small blonde pregnant women.
I bet you could talk to a hundred New Yorkers and they would all say the same thing. NYC is not a safe place for young black men, especially at night. Small white pregnant girls beat up hundreds of young black men every day and steal their bikes and purses.

A suspicious-looking white girl, probably on the hunt for a group of fit young black men she can attack and rob.
But, in all seriousness, the woman, identified by social media sleuths as a Sarah Comrie, was suspended from her job at the hospital, repeatedly accused of being a racist “Karen,” and started receiving so many death threats she had to go into hiding.
However, the story (surprise) turned out to be completely false. In fact, the opposite was true. Sarah published pictures of her receipts, proving she had properly rented the bike she was attempting to take – and it was the group of black men who had been trying to steal from her. Wow who could have possibly imagined? Five large men tried to rob one small woman, and not the other way around. I bet even Sherlock Holmes would have never figured out that one.
Really, how absolutely dysfunctional has American society become that large numbers of people could watch such a video and think the mens’ behavior was acceptable? Regardless of age or race, in what circumstances is it ever socially acceptable for five men to surround and physically bully a woman and physically prevent her from leaving? May I remind you that this is New York City, which just had violent riots over a former Marine physically restraining a deranged homeless criminal on the subway.

Furthermore, this outrage against Sarah is mostly coming from liberals who constantly whine about #metoo. How are these contradictory viewpoints possible for one person to believe at the same time? Women have to live in constant fear of “creepy men” harassing them on the street, and yet when there’s a video of a woman being harassed and physically touched without her consent by actual creepy men on the street, it’s her fault?
I have an answer, and it goes beyond race, stereotypes and crime statistics. It’s a simple matter of a high trust society being turned into a low trust society. Some right-wingers make the argument that a high trust society must be racially homogenous. But this is racial determinism and I don’t think there is a basis in logic or evidence for the idea. But people in a society, however diverse they are, must be culturally homogenous, in the sense that they share the same set of values. Everyone understands what you’re allowed to do, and what you’re not allowed to do to other people around you. And you can reasonably trust that these things won’t happen when you go out. You can go outside and do what you want and wear what you want without fear of other people abusing you. You can ride public transportation, or rent a bike, without being bullied. You can accidentally leave your bag on a bench for a few minutes but be reasonably confident that it’ll still be there when you run back. Stealing is wrong, and this includes shoplifting, regardless of if you think the store can afford to replace missing items.
So we can logically conclude that virtually every American city is a low trust society. Women can expect to always be harassed when they go outside, and possibly raped. Smaller people can expect to be bullied and robbed by larger people. Your money and possessions will be stolen if someone around you has the opportunity. If you get on a subway train there will be a lunatic screaming at and threatening everybody around him, and has no fear of consequences for his behavior.
This is all deliberate, planned, intentional policy on the part of our elites, and how could it not be? Aggressively arresting and prosecuting criminals does reduce crime regardless of what any liberal tells you. Criminals can’t commit crimes if they’re in jail, duh. That’s not the best social solution but it is a solution.
But if it’s deliberate policy, what’s the motivation for it? We can’t know for sure, but I think it has something to do with authoritarianism. If people feel safe and secure, they’ll be resistant to authority. For example, if everyone in a city already feels safe and there’s a low crime rate, they’ll probably protest the idea of more cameras, restrictions on internet speech, and things like that. But if everyone feels scared, isolated, and helpless, they’ll probably accept their government’s vague promises to “do something.”
We should also consider the hate aspect, like in Orwell’s 1984. Literally “two minutes of hate,” a ritual in which Orwell’s fictional citizens crowd into a movie theater and cheer for the torture and deaths of their enemies. They’re specifically encouraged to hate a legendary guerrilla leader (who’s heavily implied to not actually exist). On the global stage, we’re encouraged to hate Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin, or whoever the evil foreign villain of the moment is. Domestically, we’re encouraged to hate a specific private citizen – in this case – Sarah Comrie. On a larger scale, citizens are encouraged to hate entire groups of designated “enemies,” like Trump supporters or Russians.
Deliberately trying to trigger violent behavior in American racial minorities is particularly useful as a “divide and conquer” strategy. Whites are the large majority, so are capable of controlling the country even when they run into opposition from other racial groups, like in the Jim Crow era. But with “white people bad” propaganda, media and government outlets simultaneously weaponize minority groups’ economic and social frustration, and break apart whites’ collective strength. White people break up into mutually antagonistic groups and fight each other, further weakening society. Some frustrated white people will even become nazis or white supremacists, which the media can use as propaganda to prove that all white people are bad.
If there aren’t enough white people becoming nazis, then undercover FBI agents can pretend to be nazis, just like they pretended to be Muslim extremists. Funny how the liberals screaming about how we need to trust the FBI and CIA to fight white supremacy somehow forgot how, not so long ago, these same agencies were using literally the same tactics to foment hatred against Muslims. I would go so far as to say that the so-called “War on Terror” was a giant social experiment, a sort of test run. American society could be mobilized to hate a small group of people, and accept more government power in our lives. It was a complete success. All Muslims are evil jihadists and we have to invade and occupy their countries before they can commit more evil terrorist attacks against us. That was the story, and it worked, even though it was totally ridiculous. The 911 attacks were obviously an inside job and anyone who doesn’t realize that by now is an idiot. For God’s sake, at least several of the hijackers, and Osama bin Laden himself, were CIA assets. How could 911 have not been an inside job?
It’s easy to convince the public to hate 1% of the population, like Muslims. Especially when they look different and believe things that seem strange. What’s happening now is much more ambitious, but still the same tactic, just on a larger scale.
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Check out this piece from Paul Joseph Watson about the “bike Karen” incident:
Ian Kummer

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I’m not the least bit racist but I challenge you to name one multicultural high trust society in the world. There may be a few very wealthy enclaves of mixed race people but that doesn’t really qualify. Singapore and UAE have some white people mixed in with the local population but these are outliers and both have very strict laws for even the smallest infraction which are enforced strictly
Hi Alex
Well, Russia is a pretty good example – with a 10% Muslim population. And note that I did specifically say being RACIALLY diverse is fine, which is an entirely different thing from – literally – multiCULTURAL. No society can function if people have contradictory values.
Russia is neither multicultural or multiracial; Russia is a multinational state, composed of nations in both the ethnic and geographical sense.
Alex is right (and btw Alex, don’t be afraid of being called a racist. In fact I nowadays I use it a a badge of honor) there are no “multicultural”, as in multiethnic, functional societies, there never were.
You wrote: “Some right-wingers make the argument that a high trust society must be racially homogenous”
It’s not right-wingers Ian, it’s anyone with a good grasp of History. Correlli Barnett exposes it brilliantly in his The Pride and Fall trilogy, as do other Historians/academics.
Thanks for the article comrade, keep it up.
Russia/Russian Empire/USSR relied on the principle that there’s a unified system of laws that reflect values that are supposed to be shared by the majority (e.g abortion which is legal), yet, there are local customs and traditions. Say, there are no religions that approve abortions. So, imagine a Muslim girl in Chechnya. She can get an abortion under a federal law, yet, she is unlikely to do it, as her culture and religion are against it. Yet, unlikely is very different from impossible. There are many examples like that
“So, imagine a Muslim girl in Chechnya”
That illustrates what I’m trying to convey. In Russia ethnicities have their historical regions/nations. Yes, in Moscow and St. Peter you can see some darker skins but it’s not like in Lisbon, my home town, where suburban train carriages are sometimes 30% black and Social Security lines are 60% black or brown.
Another fundamental difference is that this miscegenation was forced. There is nothing natural in it and the idea that we need them as labor force is a lie: we don’t have enough economy for the native population let alone foreigners.
And then there’s safety. In many European cities there are neighborhoods where fire fighters or mailman don’t go unless with police escort. Here, recently, videos surfaced of Police officers being attacked and having to call in reinforcements (search for “incidentes bairro da jamaica”) only for the press to accuse the officers of racism. This happens on an almost daily basis and it goes mostly unreported.
Racial cohesion is essential in a functional society and no, there are no universal values that you can impose on different peoples as your Muslim girl example demonstrates.
Universal values no, civilizational values, absolutely.
Then again, there is one universal value, and it is mutual respect each others’ civilizations.
Well, there is also a misconception that non-Russian ethnicities in Russia are necessarily very different from Russians. Google Alina Zagitova, figure skater, she is a Tatar, second biggest ethnicity in Russia. Or google the Chechen leader, he is actually white with grey or blue eyes. Caucasus ppl are very diverse. (I’m not racist, racism starts when you put yourself / your kind above other ppl)
keep left, huh?
This is why I live in the woods where there are ranches and farms all around me. The ranchers and farmers are rich. There are also Mexicans, Cubans and last night I made friends with a Filipino. There’s no fear here and there is no leftist woke bs around here.
America is suffering and rotting because of its unvorthiness of blessings. The term “God bless America” is a command, a demand and no way to address our Creator. America worships a false White Jesus Christ who looks European but He’s a brown Middle Eastern Jew. The Nazis and homosexuals rule America and government policy is insane and Transgender.
The insane delusional Nazretard Rulers of America has us lurching toward Armageddon.
“America worships a false White Jesus Christ who looks European but He’s a brown Middle Eastern Jew”
I don’t get it. Could you elaborate?
“Criminals can’t commit crimes if they’re in jail, duh”
In fact, they can. They can rape, beat or kill other inmates… and they do…
This hits home. A couple of days ago my underage niece was chased by four males in a bus station, in broad daylight, in the center of a Spanish city. I cannot say the ethnicity or cultural background of this people, because, you know, “racism”.
Sent before I finished writing, ouch…
This problem does have a solution, however would the people have the nerve to stomach it? I sincerely doubt it.