Happy New Year!

2022 was a unique experience for me. I’ve traveled around the USA, Russia, and now Armenia. I’ll give some updates soon. For now, here’s Mother Armenia.

Ian Kummer

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I now have a new YouTube channel that I will use to upload videos from my travels around Russia. Expect new content there soon. Please give me a follow here.

Also feel free to connect with me on Quora (I sometimes share unique articles there).

6 thoughts on “Happy New Year!”

  1. Happy New Year!

    Putin’s TV address feels a “popular war, holy war” in anything but wording. Kinda troubling.

    He also is a bit coughing, which is normal for winter among commoners, but not typical for a usual “talking head on TV”.

    The ending was different, too.

    Typical, almost ritual finishing phrase is “(Congratulate you) With New Year, With New Happiness!”

    The last part was skipped.
    “…fighting on the beaches”?

    Also, he mentioned “gaining full sovereignity” as a result of 2022.


    • а каким еще могло быть обращение в этом году? Мне оно показалось вполне человечным. А что нас пришли убивать, я орала еще в 21м.

      • https://t.me/medvedev_telegram/245

        Wow. De facto “Teddybear” just announced extralegal extraterritorial actions.


        Let’s say there are grades.
        On one axis it is between understanding in private / acknowledging in public / advertising and promoting
        On another a is it is which exactly talking heads are switched to which alert grade.

        There is always some risk of fire everywhere, but it is not everywhen that firealarm triggered, even less often all-city siren is turned on

  2. Happy New Year Ian,

    Best wishes for you and Maria for 2023.

    That’s a nice photo of T-34 001. I watched and thoroughly enjoyed the movie Tanks for Stalin.


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