Near the beginning of this mess I wrote about the deadly effects of social media on the war in Ukraine, and now we’re seeing this campaign reach ghastly but entirely predictable conclusions. I have also written that nazis are not nationalists. Nationalists try to make their own countries strong and prosperous. Nazis do the opposite. They’re pawns of outside forces. Now we’re seeing these trends play out, both in Ukraine and in Europe as a whole.
As of right now, there has been no direct, open NATO entry into Ukraine, so I have to at least tentatively conclude that this was the plan all along and isn’t likely to change. The West wants to keep this a proxy war, and draw it out as long and bloody as possible.
In previous posts I expressed concern that unleashing this much propaganda on western audiences would likely force a direct confrontation with Russia, and that would almost certainly lead to catastrophic results. However, as more time passes, I think my fears were unfounded. The nations of the “collective West” are, for all intents and purposes, dictatorships. The ruling elites made a decision, and the opinion of the unwashed masses doesn’t matter. Votes and elections are all an illusion with no quantifiable impact on foreign policy.

Since there is no longer a connection between western public opinion and government policy, there is no limit to how vile and absurd the propaganda can be. Journalists are even trotting out the tired Red Army “mass rapes” trope from CIA propaganda in the 1940s. See this Guardian article. It’s classic yellow journalism, an example:
Particularly difficult for many to comprehend is the scale of the sexual violence. As Russian troops have withdrawn from towns and suburbs around the capital in order to refocus the war effort on Ukraine’s east, women and girls have come forward to tell the police, media and human rights organisations of atrocities they have suffered at the hands of Russian soldiers. Gang-rapes, assaults taking place at gunpoint, and rapes committed in front of children are among the grim testimonies collected by investigators.
“We have had several calls to our emergency hotline from women and girls seeking assistance, but in most cases it’s been impossible to help them physically. We haven’t been able to reach them because of the fighting,” said Kateryna Cherepakha, the president of La Strada Ukraine, a charity that supports survivors of trafficking, domestic violence and sexual assault.
“Rape is an underreported crime and stigmatised issue even in peaceful times. I am worried that what we learn about is just going to be the tip of the iceberg.”
The Guardian writer makes very specific accusations, that Russian soldiers are doing widescale gang rapes at gunpoint, followed by quotes by some NGO that are vague and don’t support the claim at all. And the whole article is like that. I mean, really? If the Russians are raping thousands of women and you couldn’t find even one to interview? You couldn’t even find an aid worker to cite a specific example of meeting a woman making that claim?
What does this situation look like for Ukrainian soldiers, including the nazis? Well, they must be getting frustrated and desperate by now. There was this idea that if a sufficiently evil Russian “atrocity” happened, that would cause NATO to enter the war. But besides blustering and sanctions, nothing has come of it.
Yet, despite the total lack of meaningful and useful action from the West, Ukronazi flag attacks and provocations do have an effect. The Mariupol theater bombing (see my post here), the Kiev mass murders, and the Tochka missile attacks on Donbass (see my post here) all create sensational buzz in western news and social media. Ukrainians launch brutal attacks against pro-Russian and pro-separatist populations. No matter how obvious those attacks are, western journalists still dutifully repeat the Ukrainian side of the story and blame Russia, even in the absence of evidence, or strong evidence that the opposite is true.
Now consider the economic and humanitarian consequences of this propaganda outside Ukraine. American companies and consumers are effectively avoiding the brunt of the sanctions war. Russian oil imports to the USA have actually gone up since the war began. There are many loopholes and our authorities are creating additional legal exemptions for almost any business in danger of losing revenue in Russian markets. Consider this announcement from the US Treasury:
Authorizing Transactions Related to Telecommunications
and Certain Internet-Based Communications
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this general license, all transactions ordinarily
incident and necessary to the receipt or transmission of telecommunications involving the
Russian Federation that are prohibited by the Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions
Regulations, 31 CFR part 587 (RuHSR), are authorized.
As it turns out, Russians love selfies and cat videos as much as anyone else, and there are 147 million of them. Too large a market for American tech corporations to lose. There’s the even bigger trend of what’s called “parallel imports,” allowing American companies to continue to sell goods to Russia, while on the surface, appearing to respect sanctions. See, that’s the catch. Biden needs to look tough on Russia, but do it in a way that doesn’t negatively impact the American economy. It’s all so cynical. Europe is compelled to mindlessly obey American sanctions while we can create loopholes for ourselves. But why?

I can only guess, but I think I’m pretty close to the truth. Russia and Europe are natural economic and security partners. Yes, buying Russian oil and especially gas improves European security and it’s silly to claim it doesn’t. Transporting energy in pipelines is the most defensible and logistically sound method. What’s the alternative? Shipping containers of gas in little boats across the Atlantic? And adults say this with a straight face.
In a sane world, Europeans would buy Russian energy and resources, and in turn, invest in the Russian economy. They’d become mutually dependent on each other, making wars impossible and diplomacy the only solution to disagreements. If we’re really so concerned about “Russian aggression” wouldn’t it have made much more sense to give Russia so much economic investment, no Russian leader could ever risk giving it up? But of course that was never the plan, was it?
Europe and Russia should have done this a hundred years ago and the only reason they haven’t is because of cynical and unscrupulous manipulation by Anglo Saxons. Think of how large and powerful an alliance would be between continental Europe and Russia. It would be more powerful than the Anglo-Saxon alliance between the USA and the UK, which is why it can’t ever be allowed to happen.
After World War I, British diplomats insisted on a right-wing puppet government in Poland (see my post here). Then they directly funded Hitler (see my post here). Even Hitler wasn’t enough apparently, so the West set up the Iron Curtain and the Cold War, which benefited no one except the Anglos. Now we’re doing it all over again.
It’s strange how the world changed so much over the past century yet also changed so little. In 1941, if Hitler was a sensible person, he would have been happy ruling western Europe and enjoying Russian imports. Instead, he did the opposite and threw it all away. But of course he wasn’t a sensible person with his own self-determination. He was a puppet of American and British bankers and followed their directions, even when those directions were inherently self-destructive. No one on either side of the world wars benefited except Washington. Europe and Russia were destroyed twice and American elites got obscenely rich from it. And apparently, European elites are falling for the trick again. That means they’re either extremely gullible or, much more likely, they’re traitors and puppets, just like their forefathers.

Featured image source: Donetsk News Agency
Ian Kummer

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Preventing an alliance of German industry, Russian natural resources, and French ~duplicity~ diplomacy has been a long standing foreign policy goal of the US. I don’t know why anyone is surprised.
Sign in a Dutch supermarket: “Expensive? Shut up! Glory to Ukraine!” Imagine living in a country that uses Ukrainian nationalism as a justification for unaffordable food prices.
I assumed someone had put this sticker in there as a political joke. ‘Shut up’ and ‘Glory to the Ukraine’ seems a bit much from a supermarket.
If it is real, that is just incredible.
Already noticing shortages in AH and the slaagerij, beyond what was caused by the pandemic.
Definitely a joke though. Also unclear why shallots are being sold as potatoes now, unless shortages are worse than I thought…
For that matter apparently no one has thought about what’s going to happen to our pensions once the supply of petrodollars dries up.
On the bright side at least we have plenty of toilet paper.
Dont forget the six million pogroms that the Sovjet also did, plus the 60 million killed in Gulag.
Now Putin is swallowing Ukraine after he swallowed Crimea, in his greed for more landmasses. Soon it will be Alaska, Canada, and then the United States will be swallowed as Putin has no limits for his endless greed.
Since we are talking about the Gulag, then we are talking about the Repressions of 37-38. The population of the USSR in 1937 is 170 million people, how can 1/3 of the population be killed in the Gulag? And 2/3 apparently guarded them? It even sounds crazy.