The USA is to blame for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The idea is to turn Ukraine into a failed state filled with military-grade weapons and nazi extremists, creating a quagmire to drain Russian blood and treasure for decades. I wrote this back in December:
The reality is that there is no logical reason for Russians to bother Ukraine unless one of the “red lines” is crossed. The biggest red line is Ukraine joining NATO. That realistically can’t happen. It hasn’t happened in 30 years, and probably won’t ever happen. NATO is an alliance, and an alliance is only as strong as its weakest member. Ukraine is teetering on the verge of becoming a failed state, making talks of her joining NATO in 2021 are just as fruitless as they were in 2020, 2019, and all the years before that. Ukraine’s odds of joining the EU are perhaps even lower. As the poorest country in Europe, joining the union would be a one-way relationship. Ukraine would qualify for massive amounts of aid, but be unable to offer much in return. Furthermore, Ukrainians would enjoy open borders with the West. Would Germans appreciate millions of Ukrainians flooding into their country looking for jobs and social benefits? Unlikely. All that leaves Ukraine as little more than a chess piece to provoke the Russians.
Ultimately, this war’s roots have less to do with NATO, and much more to do with Ukraine’s long-standing refusal to respect the Minsk agreements.
Here is a question for you. Even Zelensky himself has admitted that Ukraine was barred from ever entering NATO. So why did the USA and NATO refuse to give Russia this guarantee? Here’s the reality. I doubt such a guarantee would have even accomplished anything. See, the problem wasn’t membership in NATO, it was Ukrainian aggression.
Ukraine’s field army, roughly 60–120 thousand soldiers, including their best units, were caught in a Russian “cauldron” in Donbass, and apparently almost all of Ukraine’s heavy artillery. This suggests Ukraine was planning a massive genocide against the Russians of the separatist republics. Kiev, and their masters back in Washington, apparently assumed that they could kill several million people before Russia could effectively respond.
Remember that Ukronazi missile attack on Donetsk a couple of weeks ago? It was intercepted, but a single cassette still fell and killed 23 Russians, including children. Now imagine what dozens of those missiles could do, especially with no Russian S-300s and S-400s to stop them. That’s apparently what Ukraine was planning to do to the people of Donbass. Kill them down to the last man, woman, and child.
There is a Ukrainian nazi slogan – “Crimea will be Ukrainian, or uninhabited.” A genocide against Crimea wouldn’t be possible, just too many Russian troops there. But Donbass was, up until last month, very vulnerable.
Instead, Russia attacked preemptively, surrounding and destroying the Ukrainian army – this move caught both Kiev and Washington totally by surprise.
Surprise or not, the original NATO game plan is still valid. Continue flooding Ukraine with weapons, empty their prisons, arm their worst, most violent nazi extremists, and destroy the country as much as possible. Like what was done to Afghanistan – I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden also loots Ukraine’s banks, throwing them into a huge financial crisis on top of everything else that’s happening.
When it comes to economic warfare, I don’t think Russia is even the main target. The USA’s biggest economic competitor is not Russia, not even China. It’s the EU. Europe has a passion for nazism, and the Biden regime is using this weakness against them. Deliberately inflame Europe’s hatred of Russia, and use this propaganda to goad them into destroying their own economies. When the dust settles, Europe will be weak, impoverished, and completely enslaved by the USA.
Meanwhile, Biden can blame his own economic failures on Putin. Whether or not this strategy works, I suppose we’ll find out in the midterms this year.
For more on the background of the Ukrainian civil war and Russian intervention, see this.
This post is an adaptation of something I wrote on Quora.
Featured Image Source: Donetsk News Agency
Ian Kummer

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