Remember all the liberals rejoicing that the world’s largest multinational corporations have gotten “woke?” Great news… except corporations only care about money and have no problem canceling liberals too. Oops. The latest victim of woke fascism is Emily Wilder, who just got canned from the Associated Press because she… wait for it… opposes Israel. Now in fairness, there are two sides. But that’s just it. There. Are. Two. Sides.
Earlier this month, journalist Emily Wilder was excited for her new position at the Associated Press. Unbeknownst to Ms. Wilder, she had a bullseye on her back. Conservative news outlet The Free Beacon caught wind of this development and were not having it! I guess conservatives have finally gotten over Dr. Seuss and are searching for new things to be triggered by. AP Hires Anti-Israel Activist as News Associate! the Beacon Boomers cried out in horror.
There is nothing deadlier for a mainstream news organization than being accused of not 100% supporting the state of Israel. Needless to say, AP folded like a cheap lawn chair and invented an excuse to fire Emily Wilder.
Well, Well, Well. How the turntables.

Just days ago the Israelis literally blew up an AP headquarters in Gaza, which makes me ask if these guys have Stockholm Syndrome. As I wrote yesterday, all the major news outlets are locking arms and suppressing all contrary voices. Oh yeah, and Joe Biden joked about killing reporters who ask questions about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Remember when the WNBA cancelled woman WWII heroes? There is no limit to how low corporations will stoop in their endless quest to make more money, separate us all from our heritage, and push toxic consumerism down our throats.
I feel for Ms. Wilder. I really do. I don’t know her opinions on cancel culture. I’m not going to dig through her Twitter to find out either because 1) I’m too lazy and 2) It doesn’t matter. I do however hope that she will take a moment to reflect on this chain of events and realize that corporations and their media lapdogs are not our friends and #cancelculture is just a weapon our oligarchs use to protect their interests… both in times of peace and in times of war.
As for conservatives… you’ve been complaining about Cancel Culture for months then turn around and get someone canceled yourselves? Why are you like this? Aren’t there any children’s books for you to get triggered about?
See Also:
Ian Kummer

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