Nazis Take Over America and Establish a New Reich
With Joe Biden safely in the White House, America’s most powerful corporations have launched a new privatized reign of terror almost identical to Hitler’s Germany in the 1930s.
See my previous post, which is similar to this one, at least thematically.
Conservative and Right-wing pundits endlessly cry about the “leftist” revolution sweeping across America. They’re correct that there is a threat but refuse to recognize the real problem. paraphrasing Sun Tsu, you can’t even begin to fight your enemy until you know who it is. By refusing to see the elephant in the room, conservatives are only hurting themselves.
There is nothing leftist about the neoliberal revolution in America today. I’m not playing a game of semantics and words matter. We’re racing into an era of corporate tyranny even worse than the notorious Robber Barons of 19th and early 20th Century America. This is textbook fascism and anyone who doubts that should look at how Neoliberals operate, and more importantly, what their goals are.
It hurts me on a cellular level that there are people out there who sincerely believe billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are closet Leninists. Do you honestly think the world’s most obscenely rich capitalists are plotting against… themselves? No, they’re not, and stop saying they are.
So if neoliberals aren’t communists, what are they? This is actually an easy question to answer. As Spock would say, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
What’s the opposite of communism? It’s fascism, of course. Anyone who’s seen a World War II movie, even a bad one, at least vaguely understands that fascists and communists don’t like each other. Let’s test this hypothesis and see if it holds water. If we’re going to talk about fascists, there’s no better place to start than the biggest fascists of them all, the Nazis.

Right from the start, Hitler aligned himself with Germany’s most powerful corporations, and that partnership played a key role in his meteoric rise to power. He violently crushed unions on the behalf of his new bedfellows, and that was just the beginning. Socialists were the first people Hitler eradicated from society, even before the Jews. Hitler tirelessly worked to dismantle the public’s ownership of infrastructure and handed it over to corporations. And let’s not forget the most orgasmic gravy train of them all; war mobilization.
The Nazis’ state-sponsored white-collar banditry was so unprecedented in scale and pervasiveness, journalists didn’t even have words to describe it. The English language needed a whole new word for Hitler’s ambitious scheme, and underpaid writers facing a deadline in two hours are experts at making up words.
One particular word caught on, and pretty soon, everybody was using it. From that point onward, Hitler’s economic vision for Germany would be known as privatization. Origin stories are fun, but that one doesn’t get much fanfare in America, and it’s understandable why. If the general public knew that Hitler invented the very concept of privatization, that would make things awkward for a lot of our business and political leaders.
Fortunately, every mainstream academic institution and news outlet in the Western world brain dumped all useful knowledge about what Hitler did, except that he was a very bad boy who was mean to people. Weird, right? Why would they do that? I hope it’s not because our ruling class is doing the exact same things Hitler did and it’s important to make sure that nobody notices. Our ambulance-chasing vultures, I mean journalists, would never deliberately lie to people, would they?
Thankfully, neoliberals themselves have graciously abandoned all lip service to labor issues. With great pride, they are now the pawns of Neo-Nazism Inc.
“Bill would allow tech companies to create local governments.” When I first saw this headline, my mind made a feeble attempt to escape the unbearable clown dimension I’ve been trapped in since at least 2014, maybe earlier. If anyone out there is a fellow dimension shifter, and you’re asking yourself “Is there a way out? Is there hope?” The answer is no.
Announced with pride and not facing a peep of hostile news coverage, corporations will soon be able to build their own feudal slave states. What could make a CEO smile more than the right to legally terrorize and murder people with an iron fist? Ah, just like the good old days of the Industrial Revolution. Company towns are back with a vengeance!
Barring acts of God, our bleak future is inevitable. Even if this particular abomination of Third Reich fanfic doesn’t quite become codified, we’re only witnessing the first salvo with many more shots to follow. Shortly, there will be a hundred identical bills trying to squirm their way through state legislatures across the nation. Only a few need to see the light of day. One is enough. With even a single precedent, it’ll be the new normal for corporations to rule Americans like Medieval serfs.
That article I linked above reads like a well-written horror copy-pasta. It somehow gets even worse with each passing line of text. The proposed Nevada legislation has all bases covered:
-Corporations will be authorized to make and enforce their own laws. Read that again and think of the implications. The right to enforce laws inherently means the right to use force, up to and including lethal force. Fun, right? Corporations can already “cancel” us from public platforms, and soon, they’ll be able to cancel us from being alive. Every R-rated 1980s action movie just became real, and we’re the civilians who get gunned down by corporate mercenaries in the opening scene. Yes, “murdered by Facebook death squad” is a thing that can literally happen now.
Who would have guessed? Mark Zuckerberg, that goofy, insufferable t-shirt wearing prick, is going to be part of a new class of domestic war criminals. I already have this mental image of a somber museum dedicated to the infamous Zuck Killing Fields. “Here lie the victims of the Zuckerberg Holocaust, 2023-2061” the epitaph reads. “Casualties: 5 Million.” I hope he got bullied a lot in Middle School, because that’s the only comfort we have left.

-Participating corporations need to have at least $250 million and a plan to (pinkie swear) invest at least $1 billion into their company town over ten years. This is extremely important. It has to be made abundantly clear from Day #1 that only rich people can play. Imagine the chaos if they didn’t include this rule! Any ol’ group of Americans might decide they would like to incorporate and have their own plot of land where they can be left alone and not live in constant fear of being “canceled.” That simply wouldn’t do!
Only mega-powerful corporations can be feudal tyrants. If you’re anyone else, discard foolish delusions that you’ll be allowed even a crumb of land. You’re a serf and will always be a serf. Don’t get uppity. Remember that corporations have the right to kill you at any time and for any reason, as established by the previous rule.
The corporation leading the charge for privatized slave labor camps is a certain Blockchains, LLC. That’s interesting in itself. One of the defining and most royally effed up things about company towns in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was they also forced their inhabitants to use company-issued currency. Unsurprisingly, corporations were greedy bastards who overpriced the goods in their general stores, leaving pretty much all the workers just barely scraping by and up to their eyeballs in debt. Forcing people to work just to put them into unpayable debt to their own employer sounds pretty awful, but not if you’re a fascist.
That’s relevant now because blockchain is an ideal form of currency in the 21st century. It has the added bonus of being totally worthless. While it’s true that all currency’s value is imaginary, at least the paper Dollar actually, you know, exists. The Federal government also has to at least pretend to respect the Dollar. There are real-life consequences for a government that gets too greedy devaluing its magic toilet tissue. But if corporations could make up their own bullshit cryptocurrencies in the spirit of their fascist ancestors of the Industrial Revolution, they could do whatever they wanted and no one would call them on it.
But all those things you just described are against the law! Dear Reader, look at tech companies now, without company towns. Are they obeying the current laws they’re subject to? No? Then why do you think they would obey additional laws?
I’m also not being hypothetical. In 1892, Andrew Carnegie deployed armed Pinkertons for a full-scale assault on a town of striking Pennsylvanian steelworkers. Look up the West Virginia Coal Wars for even more extreme examples of corporate violence against American citizens.
If corporations get their own feudal states, complete with private armies, do you think they wouldn’t all instantly become Hitler wannabes? Let’s not delude ourselves, or downplay how utterly disastrous this trend is. (See my post here about Biden’s attack on the military, gradually replacing it with corporate mercenaries.)
We’ve spent years grinding our teeth in fear that someone might be cloning Lenin in his basement, and didn’t notice neoliberals sacking the whole country like barbarian hordes raping their way through Italy. We collectively fiddled while civilization burned. Come to think of it, everyone pokes fun at Nero for fiddling while Rome burned and I think that’s pretty unfair. What was the guy supposed to do? Run outside and join a bucket brigade? Nero couldn’t have done anything, but we certainly could have.
While we were looking behind every bush and under every rock for Ivan, neoliberals seized control of every institution that matters. After they were done, they locked everyone else outside, making us look dumber than characters in a comedy film for children. Now they’re celebrating by the fireplace and dividing up all the stuff they stole from us.
Here’s but a partial list of what we stand to lose:
-Our video games. Except Fallout 76, because nobody actually likes that game.
-Roughly 83 billion Pokémon cards accumulating across America since the ’90s.
-Those stupid beanbag animals that were only popular because the CIA drugged our water supply and I refuse to accept any other explanation.
-Everybody’s rare stamp collection. There’s enough unused postage to overnight mail a Saturn V rocket to Siberia. This is done immediately, causing the postal service to collapse. It’s replaced by a corporation.
– Novelty state coins that every suburban millennial kid was trying to collect all 50 of, but no one has ever succeeded. I’m fairly sure a couple state governments forgot to make a coin at all. What was the point to begin with? Obviously, this was an experiment to see how many coins would stay in circulation. We all lost interest at the same time because the CIA deactivated their 5G brainwashing transmitters.
-All copies and editions of Berenstein Bears. We weren’t crazy, the Mandela Effect is real, and we do have fragmented memories from a parallel universe where Berenstein is spelled with a “stein.” Nancy Pelosi orders the books burned and leftover ashes thrown into a pit. The workers are also thrown into the pit and buried alive. There can be no witnesses.
-Wait, no, no! Not my 1960s Playboy collection!
Is any of this really so shocking or controversial? Everyone has a dream. If your dream is to fly to the Moon, you’ll probably look up to an astronaut. If your dream is to write sonnets, you’ll look up to a poet. If your dream is to wield absolute power to control and destroy other people as you please, then a Nazi is the perfect role model for you.
Neoliberals are just as extreme as Hitler’s cultists who put people in death camps. They incrementally weaponize Cancel Culture as fast as they can get away with, and it’s never enough for them. With Joe Biden safely in the White House, neoliberals are comfortable saying that they want people to be murdered by government predator drones. It’s self-demonstrating. Neoliberals are the new Nazis, and are exactly the same as the original Nazis in every way that matters.
If conservatives want to sit around and swing their bats at a communist pinata that exists only in their imaginations, they have the God-given right to have at it. The problem is that if they do this, they lose, and so do the rest of us. the American Right is the only coalition with the numbers and money to make a meaningful difference in a counter-revolution.
Ian Kummer

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Corporatists LOVE both the left and right as they hold NO values, only interests.
And that might be how we got sucker-punched so easily. This brand of fascist garbage is to be expected from conservatives, but taking the most vulgar fascism and slapping a rainbow flag on top and a “hope and change” bumper sticker on the back was pretty clever
They are also cruel by deliberately hiring the feminist and LGBTQ to bring in refugees from countries that were destroyed by the very corporations who have investments in the Middle East for military and reconstruction projects.
Then the same corporations who promote mass immigration fund the Alt-Right to encourage mass murder of the refugees (Breton Tarrant who was an ecofascist), while men are collectively being targeted by the femstapo mercenaries thanks to the corporations.
Corporations profit when there is cheap labour, and they profit when there is mass murder.
To add to your comment, not only is the current immigration policy is vampiric in nature. It sucks the life blood out of developing countries. Countries like India desperately need their educated class; doctors, engineers, etc. But we entice these people to come here instead. It’s a horrible crime for two reasons: it robs impoverished countries of their professionals, and hurts American professionals. Americans must have a certain level of income to pay off their student loans, and corporations dance around having to pay that wage by importing cheaper labor from abroad. The individual immigrants benefit, but I don’t think they will in the long run. Our elites don’t care about them. In the eyes of a rich man, an immigrant is just fodder.
Corporatists LOVE both the left and right as they hold NO values, only interests.
Oswald Spengler – there are only governments, corporations and communities.
Conservatives destroy the government, liberals the communities, all you are left with is corporations. (Paraphrased)
That’s a quote I haven’t heard before, but it’s great now I’m going to have to look it up.
I really have to force myself to keep my posts a reasonable length, but it is absolutely true that conservatives did a fantastic job of trashing the goverment, and didn’t need help. Now that the other half of the job is done, there’s not a whole lot left, is there?
Oswald Spengler – there are only governments, corporations and communities. Conservatives destroy the government, liberals the communities, all you are left with is corporations. (Paraphrased)
And that might be how we got sucker-punched so easily. This brand of fascist garbage is to be expected from conservatives, but taking the most vulgar fascism and slapping a rainbow flag on top and a "hope and change" bumper sticker on the back was pretty clever
That's a quote I haven't heard before, but it's great now I'm going to have to look it up. I really have to force myself to keep my posts a reasonable length, but it is absolutely true that conservatives did a fantastic job of trashing the goverment, and didn't need help. Now that the other half of the job is done, there's not a whole lot left, is there?
A prototype for private government is the Disney Corporation. After they had stealthily purchased several thousand acres in central Florida, they were able to get the legislature to pass a special bill creating the Reedy Creek Improvement District; essentially a local government owned by Disney. Then they built Disney World which they administered under their own district government, meanwhile creating substantial burdens on the existing city and county governments in the surrounding area.
Very interesting! I knew that the corporation stonewalled anything they didn’t like within the vicinity of Disney World (like low income housing, which would have benefited their grossly underpaid employees) – but I didn’t realize they took it this far. Thank you for sharing!
A prototype for private government is the Disney Corporation. After they had stealthily purchased several thousand acres in central Florida, they were able to get the legislature to pass a special bill creating the Reedy Creek Improvement District; essentially a local government owned by Disney. Then they built Disney World which they administered under their own district government, meanwhile creating substantial burdens on the existing city and county governments in the surrounding area.
Very interesting! I knew that the corporation stonewalled anything they didn't like within the vicinity of Disney World (like low income housing, which would have benefited their grossly underpaid employees) – but I didn't realize they took it this far. Thank you for sharing!
Feminists are socialist when it comes to extorting money from the taxes of men, but they are hypercapitalist when it comes to mating choices (i.e. men must be over 6 foot 4, own a million dollar condo or house in a megacity, have a job which pays 6 figure salaries (666).
Corporations preach “Marxist” ideas like feminism, yet they do not pay their “fair share” of taxes, even $0 for billion dollar corporations.
Indeed, and they embrace the most toxic elements of both economic ideologies. They demand that men meet genetic criteria that we have no control over. So while I’m no fan of capitalism, feminists give capitalism a bad name. They ask for some sort of master race of men, making feminism a mentally handicapped brand of fascism.
What’s even worse is that their genetic taste isn’t even a good one. Feminist values are actually terrible for human evolution. They’re sexually attracted to awful men with anti-social tendencies. This has been scientifically proven by studies in prison. The more violent a man is, the more sexually successful he is. It’s sad. A man can have a solid job, car, career, and a bright future – but still has almost no chance with women. If he’s a little too short and socially awkward, most women won’t even talk to him. But an absolute sociopath who has done nothing with his life except deal coke, beat up rival gang members, and rob corner stores; he’s copulated with dozens or even hundreds of women. I distinctly remember one researcher writing about how absolutely shocked he was by this.
As for socialism; or I’m simply going to call it communism so we’re not splitting hairs about leftist ideologies in the 20th Century, these were by no means societies that promoted laziness. The USSR and China were inarguably the most successful communist experiments. They were both fairly successful at reducing poverty and unemployment (remember that both of these regions are much poorer and disadvantaged than the USA, so we shouldn’t judge them too harshly), there was often rampant corruption, but they never promoted laziness. Success was rewarded with material things. To name one example, Marina Raskova, the first female navigator in the Soviet Air Force. Stalin recognized her accomplishments with a monetary award, and a two-room apartment for herself and her daughter. Yes, two whole rooms was considered the lap of luxury in 1930s Moscow. Oh, but feminists don’t want meritocracy. They suffer golden-vagina syndrome. They think everything should be free. They even think tampons should be free.
Think about how absurd that is. Yes, tampons are important. It’s one of those inventions that people lived without for thousands of years, but now that we have it no one would want to lose it. But the same could be said for toothbrushes and deodorant. Should all hygiene items be free? I don’t even mind the concept of subsidized products for poor people’s benefit – there just needs to be some explanation for how we pay for it, and feminists don’t care because they think resources just drops from the sky or grows on trees. It’s an exercise in absurdity.
Okay, I realize that this post of yours, Ian, is from 2021, but I feel compelled to reply. Please, you rant about women wanting a violent man to mate with. I think your research is way off. Number one, a successful male ensures that her children will be taken care of (whether as a family or through alimony). A woman wants a successful man. Number two, please- men “demand a certain genetic trait” that women have no control over, that is attractiveness ( if her breasts aren’t big enough or if she is not proportionate or if she is physically unattractive). How is her “unattractiveness” any different from your example of “if a man is a little too short…”etc. You are totally being unreasonable.
I do agree, however, that things should not be free – that is the capitalist way.
Feminists are socialist when it comes to extorting money from the taxes of men, but they are hypercapitalist when it comes to mating choices (i.e. men must be over 6 foot 4, own a million dollar condo or house in a megacity, have a job which pays 6 figure salaries (666). Corporations preach "Marxist" ideas like feminism, yet they do not pay their "fair share" of taxes, even $0 for billion dollar corporations.
And to men, women must be beautiful and dumb
They are also cruel by deliberately hiring the feminist and LGBTQ to bring in refugees from countries that were destroyed by the very corporations who have investments in the Middle East for military and reconstruction projects. Then the same corporations who promote mass immigration fund the Alt-Right to encourage mass murder of the refugees (Breton Tarrant who was an ecofascist), while men are collectively being targeted by the femstapo mercenaries thanks to the corporations. Corporations profit when there is cheap labour, and they profit when there is mass murder.
To add to your comment, not only is the current immigration policy is vampiric in nature. It sucks the life blood out of developing countries. Countries like India desperately need their educated class; doctors, engineers, etc. But we entice these people to come here instead. It's a horrible crime for two reasons: it robs impoverished countries of their professionals, and hurts American professionals. Americans must have a certain level of income to pay off their student loans, and corporations dance around having to pay that wage by importing cheaper labor from abroad. The individual immigrants benefit, but I don't think they will in the long run. Our elites don't care about them. In the eyes of a rich man, an immigrant is just fodder.
Indeed, and they embrace the most toxic elements of both economic ideologies. They demand that men meet genetic criteria that we have no control over. So while I'm no fan of capitalism, feminists give capitalism a bad name. They ask for some sort of master race of men, making feminism a mentally handicapped brand of fascism. What's even worse is that their genetic taste isn't even a good one. Feminist values are actually terrible for human evolution. They're sexually attracted to awful men with anti-social tendencies. This has been scientifically proven by studies in prison. The more violent a man is, the more sexually successful he is. It's sad. A man can have a solid job, car, career, and a bright future – but still has almost no chance with women. If he's a little too short and socially awkward, most women won't even talk to him. But an absolute sociopath who has done nothing with his life except deal coke, beat up rival gang members, and rob corner stores; he's copulated with dozens or even hundreds of women. I distinctly remember one researcher writing about how absolutely shocked he was by this. As for socialism; or I'm simply going to call it communism so we're not splitting hairs about leftist ideologies in the 20th Century, these were by no means societies that promoted laziness. The USSR and China were inarguably the most successful communist experiments. They were both fairly successful at reducing poverty and unemployment (remember that both of these regions are much poorer and disadvantaged than the USA, so we shouldn't judge them too harshly), there was often rampant corruption, but they never promoted laziness. Success was rewarded with material things. To name one example, Marina Raskova, the first female navigator in the Soviet Air Force. Stalin recognized her accomplishments with a monetary award, and a two-room apartment for herself and her daughter. Yes, two whole rooms was considered the lap of luxury in 1930s Moscow. Oh, but feminists don't want meritocracy. They suffer golden-vagina syndrome. They think everything should be free. They even think tampons should be free. Think about how absurd that is. Yes, tampons are important. It's one of those inventions that people lived without for thousands of years, but now that we have it no one would want to lose it. But the same could be said for toothbrushes and deodorant. Should all hygiene items be free? I don't even mind the concept of subsidized products for poor people's benefit – there just needs to be some explanation for how we pay for it, and feminists don't care because they think resources just drops from the sky or grows on trees. It's an exercise in absurdity.
Hi! I saw your blog on Bing and have liked checking it out. Thank you very much for the useful and detailed posts. I will be checking back.
Your comment got caught in the spam folder and I just saw it. Thanks for the input! I’m glad you’re enjoying the content. 😀
Hi! I saw your blog on Bing and have liked checking it out. Thank you very much for the useful and detailed posts. I will be checking back.
Great piece – out of the box and critical thinking. As always, Ian. Much appreciated.
One thing that stands out, and is difficult to predict, is the high level of gun ownership and patriotism/independent Americanism within our shores. While I have read many military and civilian white papers on possible actions of civilians, active military, and veterans, none of the analysts espouse much confidence in predicitons. It still boils down to a WAG.
Interesting times.
Hi Raymond, Thanks for the two cents! I’ve wondered this myself. Only time will tell, I suppose.
Great piece – out of the box and critical thinking. As always, Ian. Much appreciated. One thing that stands out, and is difficult to predict, is the high level of gun ownership and patriotism/independent Americanism within our shores. While I have read many military and civilian white papers on possible actions of civilians, active military, and veterans, none of the analysts espouse much confidence in predicitons. It still boils down to a WAG. Interesting times.
Many thanks for posting this, It?s just what I was researching for on bing. I?d a lot relatively hear opinions from an individual, barely than an organization web page, that?s why I like blogs so significantly. Many thanks!
I just cleaned out the spam filter and saw your comment. I’m glad you found the article helpful, and continue finding the upcoming posts helpful too!
Many thanks for posting this, It?s just what I was researching for on bing. I?d a lot relatively hear opinions from an individual, barely than an organization web page, that?s why I like blogs so significantly. Many thanks!
Hi Raymond, Thanks for the two cents! I've wondered this myself. Only time will tell, I suppose.
Your comment got caught in the spam folder and I just saw it. Thanks for the input! I'm glad you're enjoying the content. 😀
I just cleaned out the spam filter and saw your comment. I'm glad you found the article helpful, and continue finding the upcoming posts helpful too!
V. insightful. It may be Nazism and it is surely fascism. If you define Marxism as materialism (no room for God) and state dominance (that favors crony corporations), then you can define the world today. Since we abandoned God with revolution and chose democracy without Christ’s Social Kingship, we are being left to the devices of this world. And those devices are Luciferian in nature because there is only one true battle.
But if you will not hearken to me, to sanctify the sabbath day, and not to carry burdens, and not to bring them in by the gates of Jerusalem on the sabbath day: I will kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the houses of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched.
The only way to win this war is conversion and a consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. There no fear exists and it is the side of Victory.
V. insightful. It may be Nazism and it is surely fascism. If you define Marxism as materialism (no room for God) and state dominance (that favors crony corporations), then you can define the world today. Since we abandoned God with revolution and chose democracy without Christ's Social Kingship, we are being left to the devices of this world. And those devices are Luciferian in nature because there is only one true battle. But if you will not hearken to me, to sanctify the sabbath day, and not to carry burdens, and not to bring them in by the gates of Jerusalem on the sabbath day: I will kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the houses of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched. The only way to win this war is conversion and a consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. There no fear exists and it is the side of Victory.
“Fascism” has been an all-purpose insult for many years now, but it has a real definition, and according to scholars of historical fascism. Roger Griffin, author of The Nature of Fascism, who is a professor of history and political theory at Oxford Brookes University, puts it best: “You can be a total xenophobic racist male chauvinist bastard and still not be a fascist.”
The University of Wisconsin’s Stanley Payne, author of Fascism: Comparison and Definition and A History of Fascism, 1914-1945, emphasizes that fascism is a “revolutionary nationalist project. Not just a nationalist project, but a nationalist project that is revolutionary and breaks down all the standards and the barriers.”
Fascists did tend to have a nationalist and kind of statist and corporatist economic policy, but all kinds of other movements have had statist and corporatist policies.” In fact, most experts think that it’s hard to identify a characteristically “fascist” economic policy. It was all secondary to other goals, notably preparation for war.
I’m willing to entertain that notion. But the Biden Administration has declared Russia a “threat”, and NATO ships, planes, and drones have repeatedly tried to provoke Russian forces into opening fire. They’ll succeed sooner or later. Sounds like preparation for war to me!
Also, take a look at our allies. Islamofascists in Syria and neo-nazis in Ukraine. Joe Biden may not be a fascist, but his friends certainly are.
Right. What do you think they’re doing when they cram our mind space with doublethink?
Remember, a woman saying she isn’t attracted to men is more offensive than a man punching her for not being attracted to men. And who said Wokeism is a contradiction?
ooo- can I punch a man for saying that he is not attracted to women? (by the way, just so you don’t believe otherwise- I am attracted to man and am happily married with a beautiful (luckily for her…) daughter.
“Fascism” has been an all-purpose insult for many years now, but it has a real definition, and according to scholars of historical fascism. Roger Griffin, author of The Nature of Fascism, who is a professor of history and political theory at Oxford Brookes University, puts it best: “You can be a total xenophobic racist male chauvinist bastard and still not be a fascist.”The University of Wisconsin’s Stanley Payne, author of Fascism: Comparison and Definition and A History of Fascism, 1914-1945, emphasizes that fascism is a “revolutionary nationalist project. Not just a nationalist project, but a nationalist project that is revolutionary and breaks down all the standards and the barriers.”Fascists did tend to have a nationalist and kind of statist and corporatist economic policy, but all kinds of other movements have had statist and corporatist policies.” In fact, most experts think that it’s hard to identify a characteristically “fascist” economic policy. It was all secondary to other goals, notably preparation for war.
I'm willing to entertain that notion. But the Biden Administration has declared Russia a "threat", and NATO ships, planes, and drones have repeatedly tried to provoke Russian forces into opening fire. They'll succeed sooner or later. Sounds like preparation for war to me!Also, take a look at our allies. Islamofascists in Syria and neo-nazis in Ukraine. Joe Biden may not be a fascist, but his friends certainly are.
<blockquote>fascism is a “revolutionary nationalist project. Not just a nationalist project, but a nationalist project that is revolutionary and breaks down all the standards and the barriers.”</blockquote> Right. What do you think they're doing when they <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener nofollow ugc">cram our mind space with doublethink</a>?
Remember, a woman saying she isn't attracted to men is more offensive than a man punching her for not being attracted to men. And who said Wokeism is a contradiction?