Dekemvriana: Inside Churchill’s Secret Alliance with the Nazis

Dekemvriana: Inside Churchill's Secret Alliance with the Nazis

77 years ago, Churchill quietly armed Nazi collaborators in Greece to help him seize control of the country. On December 3, 1944, British-backed police fired into a crowd of unarmed protesters in Athens. Dekemvriana (Δεκεμβριανά, December events) sparked the White Terror and Greek Civil War.

New American Puppet Installed in Honduras

Xiomara Castro American puppet in Honduras

The new president of Honduras, Xiomara Castro, is scheduled to take office on Jan. 27. She’s a darling of the corporate media, and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken congratulated Castro within minutes of her electoral win. This raises an interesting question. What does the USA have to gain from Castro’s victory?

Illusion, Delusion, and Empire

Illusion, Delusion, and Empire

The last 600 years—the totality of modern history—were an invention of the West. Art, industry, law, music, philosophy, science, and technology—there was no field of consequence we did not dominate. From Shakespeare, Beethoven, and Nietzsche to Newton, Poincaré, and Watson and Crick, almost every thinker and doer of note was a product of Western schools, … Read more