Soviet Deep Battle and OODA Loops in the Ukraine

Who is it? Americans. Stonetoss

A reader sent me this interesting story about Winter-20, a large tabletop exercise in Poland to simulate a Russian invasion. The setup and its outcome were both interesting. Poland started the wargame with large advantages, namely, a futuristic arsenal of F-35s and souped-up Leopard tanks that doesn’t exist, and might never exist at all. Despite this edge, they lost badly. The pro-Russia crowd was of course very happy with this outcome. I dislike the idea and think it paints a very wrong picture, and here’s why.

Winning the information war in Ukraine

winning the information war in ukraine

This article is the next entry in my series Why Russia is Not Losing the Information War. The West has undeniably generated far more disinformation than Russia. As I have observed previously, this is likely the single biggest disinformation campaign in history. But generating more noise isn’t the same as winning, is it? Anti-NATO outlets … Read more