Will Russia Leave Syria?

Here’s a quick write-up I shared to Quora yesterday. Apparently I am the minority in this opinion and have been arguing with people about it, including Russians, funnily enough. Russia has two major bases in Syria, Tartus and Latakia. Rebel forces have control of the surrounding areas at both of these bases. They could attack … Read more

How Much Longer Does Ukraine Have?

With accelerating Russian gains in Donbass and the implied political shift accompanying Trump into office next month there is an equivalent increase in speculation about how much longer the war will last. That is a tough question so let’s quickly review what happened from the start of the SMO. First off, it is fair to … Read more

A Note About “Progress” In War

This is a map of the Battle of the Somme in the summer of 1916. Over 18 weeks, French and British forces advanced 10 kilometers capturing a little over 300 square kilometers. In total, this brief conflict on a small battlefield killed or wounded more than a million men. From this we can make some … Read more