A Note About “Progress” In War

This is a map of the Battle of the Somme in the summer of 1916. Over 18 weeks, French and British forces advanced 10 kilometers capturing a little over 300 square kilometers. In total, this brief conflict on a small battlefield killed or wounded more than a million men. From this we can make some … Read more

Thoughts on Conscription Past and Present

This week the Associated Press openly stated something that most of us have known for a while. That Biden administration is pressuring Ukraine to lower the conscription age to 18. This is the usual life cycle of facts from Ukraine. Facts are initially dismissed as “Kremlin talking points” for 6 to 12 months, then they’re … Read more

Reflections on Afghanistan

The rewriting of history continues. Afghanistan is the latest case of “the USA could have easily won but we just chose not to.” Is that really true though? In my first deployment there in 2009 to Camp Bastion there were still largescale combat operations and had enthusiastic participation by most ISAF members. I would not … Read more