Conflict: a Pure and Sincere Message About War

Conflict: a Pure and Sincere Message About War. 1983 Soviet cartoon. конфлист

The 1983 Soviet stop-motion animation, Conflict ( Конфликт), presents a simple and pure message. A modern war between two world powers is insanity that would inevitably end in nuclear armageddon. No matter how restrained or polite the conflict, sooner or later one side would be defeated and use their nuclear arsenal in a last-ditch attempt at self-preservation.

The Girl With All the Gifts is the Most Nihilistic Movie Ever Made

The Girl With All the Gifts is the Most Nihilistic Movie Ever Made

The Girl With All the Gifts literally compares black people to flesh-eating zombies who destroy Western civilization, and praises this as a good thing. It might be the most mind-bogglingly evil and racist movie ever made. Triumph of the Will and Birth of a Nation look tame in comparison. But that’s not the most horrifying aspect of the story. Thousands, maybe even millions, of white liberal elites in Europe and the USA actually believe this and have the political power to make it happen.

Spielberg Saved Private Ryan and Killed Patriotism

Synopsis: The classic 1998 gory D-Day movie Saving Private Ryan is a triumph of war cinema that lesser filmmakers have attempted to imitate countless times in the following decades up to the present day. Saving Private Ryan practically defined the entire genre of American war films, but also helped destroy it, perhaps irreversibly.

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Super Women In the Trenches!

Synopsis: One boring night on Amazon Prime, I stumbled across the 2015 Russian WWI flick Battalion. Woman warriors march to the front lines, bayonets fixed, ready to charge into no man’s land! As I watched the drama unfold, another movie came to mind; Wonder Woman (2017) charging the German lines. How do the two movies compare? Uhh… different would be putting it mildly. Yet, despite being so different, they go hand in hand. They offer insights on their own, but when put side by side, create a whole picture. Wonder Woman and Battalion are polar opposites and teach opposite lessons. But they both serve the same purpose; to overwrite a dark moment in history, replacing it with a fantasy that’s both inspirational and comforting.

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