My Main Takeaways from the Tucker Carlson-Putin Interview

I watched the full interview on Tucker Carlson’s website early this morning. I won’t give a play-by-play description of what was said, as that has been done a hundred times already. There’s a good synopsis of the main points on Zero Hedge. Instead, I’ll just give my general observations. There’s the widespread hysteria about Tucker … Read more

The Tucker Carlson Interview with Putin

I think the Tucker Carlson interview with President Putin is a game changer. What Tucker Carlson has done is invite both Putin and Zelensky to give their perspectives about the ongoing conflict in Donbass, Novorossia, and Ukraine™. On one hand this is just plain honest American-centric journalism. American voters can appraise both of these national … Read more

The Emperor’s New Groove: the Best and Worst Disney Movie

I just watched Disney’s The Emperor’s New Groove, which was quite the experience, mainly because I now have the context of what Disney did afterward. I can see how TENG made some great contributions to the animated film industry, and some really terrible ones that poisoned basically every Disney production since then. The Emperor’s New Groove was released in 2000, when I was 11, when I was still a kid and watched it as a kid. Watching it as an adult, with the context of later Disney films, particularly after they bought Marvel, was quite different.