The Ukraine is a “long” war and that’s not good for us

The Ukraine is a "long" war and that's not good for us

The “new” war in Ukraine has been a non-stop toy commercial. It’s not enough for corporate news outlets to simply say Russia is losing and Ukraine is winning, every success story has to be tied to a product. Drones, missiles, starlink satellites, and more. It’s like four months of saying it’s good to give cocaine and cigarettes to babies. Sure, the tobacco industry is willing to lie about the supposed benefits of their products, surely the weapons industry wouldn’t do that, right?

Fake Generals and Fake News From the Ukraine

I’m not an expert on geopolitics by any stretch of the imagination, but I know how to do basic fact checking. Apparently, a large percentage of the American population has forgotten how to do that (assuming they knew how to begin with). But seriously, remember all that sanctimonious noise we were subjected to over the past several years about only accepting information from “credible” sources? Well, nowadays, the western world’s largest media outlets will copy/paste “news” from Ukraine’s defense ministry, or even random .ru blogs, without any attempt to verify it. That said, BBC seems to have gone into James Bond territory. They apparently weren’t content with just being stenographers of war propaganda, but actually go out of their way to synthesize fake news. Here is an example.