The Paradox of Building a Relationship with the USA

Here’s the paradox of building a relationship with the USA. The only way to get Republicans to respect you is to be a macho tough guy – and have a strong military with nuclear weapons. Republicans are schoolyard bullies. They talk lots of trash about Russians, but have given up trying to fight them in any meaningful way. But here’s the paradox – what works on Republicans has the opposite effect on Democrats. Being a macho tough guy will actually make them hate you more. They’ll build even more drones and ships named after gay pedophiles, and want to start a war with you more than ever before.

Illusion, Delusion, and Empire

Illusion, Delusion, and Empire

The last 600 years—the totality of modern history—were an invention of the West. Art, industry, law, music, philosophy, science, and technology—there was no field of consequence we did not dominate. From Shakespeare, Beethoven, and Nietzsche to Newton, Poincaré, and Watson and Crick, almost every thinker and doer of note was a product of Western schools, … Read more

Anatomy of a Bubble That Caused a Global Crisis Part 3

Anatomy of a Bubble

In order to see the all-important relationship between the housing bubble and the ensuing financial collapse, one needs to look at the changes made in both areas in the many years prior to the 2007-2008 period. In the wake of the Great Depression, and a wave of bank failures nationwide, Congress passed a law (the … Read more

The Real Problem with the US Army’s Woke Recruiting Commercials

the real problem with the army's woke recruiting commercial. the calling army

Senator Ted Cruz recently shared a video making fun of a politically correct US Army broadcast, The Calling, by comparing it to a Russian Spetsnaz commercial. Though he quickly backtracked and emphasized that he hates Russia just as much as any other red-blooded American, he did draw attention to a serious problem. Yes, the latest Army recruiting campaign is very woke, but that’s not the problem with it. The Calling is muddled and self-defeating. The Army has become so traumatized and directionless it can’t even explain in three minutes why anyone should join.