Conservative Snowflakes Triggered by Wikipedia, Again

Not the Bee conservative snowflake triggered by mass killings under communism

The American conservative movement is intellectually bankrupt and hasn’t produced anything new or interesting for decades. All they can do is cling to ancient Cold War propaganda and racist stereotypes. When they’re not being triggered by Dr. Seuss or Starbucks cups, they’re complaining that Wikipedia is too neutral. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia and is supposed to be neutral. If you want a racist fantasy novel, pick up a Tom Clancy book. Yes, American liberals are guilty of cancel culture, but it is important to remember that conservatives invented cancel culture (McCarthy, anyone?). Even now, conservatives love cancelling any idea that scares them and aren’t even aware of their own hypocrisy. Both movements are equally guilty. Conservatives and liberals are sitting in the same guard tower in the same concentration camp.

Army Apache Crew in Afghanistan

U.S. Army pilots from the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade power down an AH-64 Apache helicopter at Forward Operating Base Dahlke, Afghanistan, May 18, 2016. The 40th Combat Aviation Brigade sent Soldiers, aircraft and equipment to FOB Dahlke in May to support the garrison’s mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan National Army. (U.S. Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Ian M. Kummer, 40th Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs)

U.S. Army pilots from the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade power down an AH-64 Apache helicopter at Forward Operating Base Dahlke, Afghanistan, May 18, 2016. The 40th Combat Aviation Brigade sent Soldiers, aircraft and equipment to FOB Dahlke in May to support the garrison’s mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan National Army. (U.S. Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Ian M. Kummer, 40th Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs)

Apache Helicopter in Afghanistan

U.S. Army AH-64 Apache helicopter from the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade takes off from Forward Operating Base Dahlke, Afghanistan, May 18, 2016. The 40th CAB sent Soldiers, aircraft and equipment to FOB Dahlke in May to support the garrison’s mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan National Army. (U.S. Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Ian M. Kummer, 40th Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs)

U.S. Army AH-64 Apache helicopter from the 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade takes off from Forward Operating Base Dahlke, Afghanistan, May 18, 2016. The 40th CAB sent Soldiers, aircraft and equipment to FOB Dahlke in May to support the garrison’s mission to train, advise and assist the Afghan National Army. (U.S. Army Photo by Staff Sgt. Ian M. Kummer, 40th Combat Aviation Brigade Public Affairs)

Kyle Rittenhouse is a Hero and the Mainstream Media is Our Enemy

Kyle Rittenhouse shooting

While we all wait for the verdict, let’s get one thing clear. Regardless of what the jury thinks, Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero. I’m glad he shot three criminal low-lifes, and there’s only one thing that I’m sad about; that one of them lived. The mainstream media coverage has been absolutely disgusting and they’ve immediately … Read more

The Poland/Belarusan Border “Crisis” is Fake News

The Poland/Belarusan Border "Crisis" is Fake News

The corporate media is beating the war drums in response to the “crisis” at the border between Poland and Belarus. It’s fake news to justify a buildup of NATO troops, and more sanctions against Belarus. There are, at most, 4,000 refugees trying to cross into the EU. Germany alone takes in well over a million … Read more