Meet “NewsGuard,” the Deep State’s Internet Gestapo
Earlier this month an employee at “NewsGuard,” a self-appointed fact-checking watchdog, accused me of spreading false information. On the surface, it looks like a small start-up that failed to gain traction. After closer examination, I think it’s something much larger and more insidious. To read up on what their employee asked me, and my responses, … Read more
The Music of the Spheres/The Roundness of the World
Why, God? Why? What prompts someone to write a 95,000+ word essay series and distribute it freely? By definition, a freely distributed essay offers little means for remuneration. And the odds of being recognized for this effort are likely between those of being struck by lightning while exploring a deep mine and those of being … Read more
Part III—Towards a Practical Tribalism: Human Nature and the Technosphere (Page 2)
Chinese Freedom: Creativity, Choice, and Innovation in a Closed State and a Global Economy The American impulse in times of change is generally expansive. Yes, the United States has had periods of isolationism, but these are few and far between. Conversely, the Chinese impulse is contractive. Neither instinct is bad, but both must be moderated … Read more