Ukraine’s Big Gamble At Lyman

Over the past several days Ukraine has mounted a huge three-sided offensive at an important supply hub in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The sizeable combined arms attack is accompanied by a worldwide propaganda campaign. Apparently, NATO anticipates a victory here and is throwing every available Ukrainian conscript against the barrels of Russian guns. This battle is unique, and significant, for multiple reasons.

NATO Expert Reveals Nuclear Final Solution to the Russian Problem

Retired Col. Hamish de Bretton-Gordon from the British Army just gave an astonishing interview with CNN in which he explained how “tactical” nuclear weapons could be used to defeat (destroy) Russia. In short, he claims that Russia would be the one to use tactical nukes: “tactical nuclear weapons could still create huge amounts of damage, … Read more

Russia’s Mobilization and “Defense in Depth”

Today I decided to take another look at the fourth phase of Russia’s special military operation, which began with the announcement of a referendum in four liberated oblasts of Ukraine, as well as the announcement of a partial mobilization of Russian citizens. As I noted in a previous post, there is a huge amount of propaganda and disinformation coming from pro-NATO outlets, but it’s easy to refute. That said, I think almost everyone is missing the significance of these events, and these misinterpretations could spell global disaster.