The Weekly Roundup #1

It’s been one heck of a week! Meet The Weekly Roundup #1, a synopsis of all the past week’s articles, stories, and other posts in case you missed them – or just want to see the pretty layout of the newsletter. Click and drag isn’t easy, ya know.

Embrace your Neoliberal Robber Baron Masters, Sheep!

Embrace your Neoliberal Robber Baron Masters, Sheep!

Remember “Net Neutrality” and how important it was? Neither do I. The ever-so-righteous freedom fighters condemning the monopolization of speech by our Silicon Valley Overlords are now those same overlords’ biggest cheerleaders. Yes, you heard that right. Neoliberals parading as leftists now vehemently believe in private property and the undisputed sovereignty of corporations.

What can we expect for the future of American Healthcare?

What can we expect for the future of American Healthcare?

Although it’s been harder than normal to keep track of each candidate’s policy proposals this election cycle due to all of the surrounding drama, there are substantial differences in what each is proposing that are worth considering. It can all be boiled down to the idea that President Trump would like to reduce the federal government’s role in health care while Joe Biden would like to expand the federal government’s role. While that’s easy enough to understand, it is more nuanced and when it comes to healthcare, the differences are especially important.

The Patriotic and Tragic Life of Dashiell Hammett

There are few modern authors commanding a greater influence on American literature than Dashiell Hammett. Hammett invented the “hard-boiled detective” – a genre of storytelling used in books and film up to the present day. More than that, Hammett lived the life of one.

Here’s to the stories…

Here's to the stories...

As a kid growing up in the desert of Northern Arizona, I used to go outside and stare into the night sky. Being so far from the lights of the cities, we could see the stars like few others can in the United States. They stretched from horizon to horizon, so close it felt like you could fall off the face of the earth to touch them.