Atrocity Porn and Eating Bugs

My previous hopes that hostilities in Ukraine would come to an end by winter were, apparently, wishful thinking. I also think the worst isn’t over yet, it’s only beginning. Here’s why.

The first and most obvious reason is because spending packages, to “stand with Ukraine,” like HIMARS, are long term. There would be little point in planning for next summer if there wasn’t at least an intent for the war to still be ongoing then.

But the bigger reason I don’t see this ending any time soon is because of what’s happening in western Europe right now. From the Daily Mail:

Researchers are planning to feed bugs like house crickets and mealworms to children between the ages of five and 11 from four primary schools in Wales.

They are also planning to serve up ‘bolognese’ made from insect and plant protein, and potentially encourage them and their parents to move away from meat.

The project, led by academics from Cardiff University and the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol), will also involve surveying the primary school children to find out their attitudes to environmental issues and how they translate into views on the food they eat.

From this they wish to find the best way of educating the younger generation and their families on the environmental and nutritional benefits of edible insects, and in turn cut global meat consumption.

Making school kids eat bugs is also apparently happening in the Netherlands as well. And it’s all quite deliberate and open. Children are the most open-minded and easily influenced. Get them to eat bugs, and convince them that not eating bugs is bad, tasty mealworms could become the norm much more quickly than a normal person might like to believe. This isn’t a hypothetical either, and is well-tested with the transgender movement. From RT:

A public school district in Maryland has seen the number of students identifying as non-binary skyrocket by 582% in the past two years, according to data published online.

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) collects information from forms students fill out when they seek counseling for gender-identity issues. The data is not normally publicly available, but was posted on Twitter by educator Elicia Eberhart-Bliss, who shared an image of a presentation to the MCPS Pride Alliance which included the figures.

The presentation showed that 35 students self-reported as gender-nonconforming to counselors during the 2019-2020 school year, four of whom were in elementary school. The number shot up to 239 students for the 2021-2022 school year, with 18 elementary students, 129 middle school students and 92 high school students identifying as non-binary.

An intake form used by counselors and shared by Fox45 news shows students are asked for their “identified name” and “identified gender” as well as their preferred pronouns. Over the past four years, 423 forms have been submitted, showing that 45% of MCPS students identified as gender-nonconforming.

45% of students. Just imagine, convincing them to eat ground-up bugs might actually be easier.

Forcing continental Europe to decouple from Russia and deindustrialize just wasn’t enough. They have to eat bugs too. One has to wonder how much our elites are motivated by a genuine desire to “defeat Putin,” or if they just get off on torturing people. Maybe both?

Perhaps the biggest reason of all, there’s just too much atrocity porn. I argue the current NATO propaganda campaign is the worst ever seen in modern history, even more extreme than the Cold War. Consider this bizarre rant by Dan Rice on CNN:

You know, the entire Russian army from the top to the bottom is just an immoral army. You see in the general’s orders the strikes against civilian targets intentionally trying to kill women and children. You’re seeing torture on the prisoners of war. You’re seeing horrible atrocities of rape, looting, everything across the battlefield.

This is really — I mean, the Russian culture is just a defunct culture at this point. I think Russia’s got some serious problems and it’s showing in the lack of discipline in their army. And they’re going to lose.

And we can’t let them win with this horrible army because they’ll continue to other countries.

It is not an exaggeration to say that right now, the propaganda campaign in the USA/Europe is equal to Nazi Germany, or perhaps even surpasses them. Imagine where we might be in another 3 months. Tens of millions of people in Europe without heating and being forced to eat bugs, and they think this is all the fault of Russians, who are evil monsters who literally rape and eat babies.

So yeah, I don’t see this going anywhere good.

On a more positive note, here’s me with my dog Spazz in Russia.

Ian Kummer

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33 thoughts on “Atrocity Porn and Eating Bugs”

  1. Btw, at no point in time we were told anything as atrocious as “Western culture is defunct”. I have books published in 1950s in the USSR: it’s Jack London, Mark Twain, Theodore Dreiser, Mayne Reid, Walter Scott, William Shakespeare ..and what not. My mother was the one who gave me a volume of stories by Lion Feuchtwanger because she enjoyed his books as a teenager, my father loved Baudelaire’s poetry, and we would always get together before the TV screen to see some of our favorite Italian movies or Hollywood classics (e.g. Roman Holiday or How to Steal a Million).

    • Well, bt definition, “culture” is every lthing man-made, including toilet paper.

      I think they, at least yet, mean not Dostoevsky or Chaikovsky, but rather “everyday culture”.

      Same did USSR talking about “rotting West”. Praising Kipling as a poet yet denouncing British imperialism and secret services, whom Kipling was officer of.

      • Well, when the war started they actually did say that it’s not the time for Chaikovsky or Dostoevsky now, and Ukronazi do say the Russian language must disappear. I’m pretty sure that if there’s no Russia, there will be no Russian culture.
        Kipling was a good poet and writer, so was Goethe btw, despite his job). It’s interesting that now the West cancels a lot of its own culture and history under pretext that this or that person, e.g. owned slaves (yes, they did, just like in any classist society rich ppl somehow owned poor ppl and actually still do).
        As for the concept of the rotten West, well…I have very mixed feelings about it right now, to say the least. I’m trying my best to be moderate.

        • Yeah, you seem to take refugee in reenacting Granpa Mazai and channelling hares from ‘Murica 🙂

          …and we still are not in the clear who corrupt Snowden 😛

            • Was Ian ever through our winters?
              If not i am all fired up for his “tourist letters” 🙂

              Just made a short stroll in the countryside at about 100km north from MSK. “The air is drinkable”.
              Or, perhaps, to borrow from some brits, “In a shaft and frosty morning of the air” (i feel to remember it wrongly, but give or take).

              But i suspect what is a bit colder (+5C) but otherwise very enjoyable late autumn for us should be already at the edge of adaptivity for ppl raised in souther lands like USA

  2. Good god, I’m fed up with the constant stream of bs we get in the “West”. Like we need to do something extremely radical to solve problems. Eg. eating insects. The bsing about the need for “degrowth”. Or the electric car hype. I’m a fcukin engineer, for god’s sake, I know that battery operated electric cars are the worst we can come up with for solving problems. We are actually still better off using fossil oil/gas. The same holds for solar. And what happened? The EU has established a ban on selling new ICE vehicles from 2035. Not even hybrids will be allowed.
    When Hungarian government decided to build, at last, a new nuclear power station (2 VVER-1200 blocks, for the third of the price of the equivalent from Westinghouse), this same bsing liberal intelligentsia that’s producing the bs above, went on to a crusade against it. Like “do you want Putin to decide about our energy?”
    These guys are useful idiots for propaganda. They are ignorant in STEM, and most of them are fairly stupid. Somehow though, they are setting the tone of any public discussion. How is it then?

  3. This transgender-on-kids movement touches a nerve. My niece, a perfectly sweet and girlish, well, girl, declared herself non-binary shortly after starting high school. Some months later, she declared herself a himself, and started talking about transitioning with hormones and mastectomies. She’s 13 years old.

    She’s not the only one in her high school. Each class has at least one of these individuals, the majority being girls who identify as boys. The same goes in the high school my kid attends, or in the one my wife teaches. It’s like a pandemic, and it is statistically impossible.

    • Sadly, you are not the first parent I have met with this story. It seems like the vast majority of “transgender” kids are girls. It is horrifying and I wish you the best.

      • Especially unstable ones, who manage at the same time

        1. Demand transition threatening suicide
        2. Kinda plan eloping with abusive neighbor boy (never worked anything that could be tried)
        3. Fk all boys in the block

        Maybe socdarwinists see it as both making mony and cutting off rottne branches?..

    • > the majority being girls

      Biology, i guess.
      Something like “second hormonal explosion” or something, that Boys go through in puberty.

      Makes the voice break, and rewires a lot in brain. Basically, boys rebound from their basis and start loathing their past attitudes to make this rebound stable.

      Girls don’t have this “revolution” and grow up “linearly”.

      Effects are vast in world culture, adult male homosexuality was always been and seen more extreme than female one, belle canto castrate singers, Bacha bāzī, “boyfriends” in Ancient Rome/Greece, etc.

      The saying that most vocal antigays are latent gays whose phobia can not go dormant has a point, albeit not a shallow one of envy.

        • This is also coming form evolution. Did not want to spell out long basics yesterday.

          Talking of asymptotes, females are precious vessels for carrying out next generation, which is very hard for homo erectus and forth. They evolve to be anchors, preserving safety and stability. Men are comparatively disposable, they evolved to be cheap scout drones to try many holes (so, disagreable and individualistic) in a labyrynth to discover which ones are safe.

          …and form that point we can easily unrool a long sheet of wars, harems and anything 🙂

  4. As usual, great post and comments. Spazz has some size now that I see him in scale.

    Maria, your first comment describes the situation perfectly. Sane people are horrified policy makers believe in tactical nuclear war and their survival.

    Earlier today I read a scenario of a nuclear war by a pHD from the Union of Concerned Scientists. He wrote the treatise on nuclear winter. I wish I could recall his name because I have read that treatise. You’re right. It’s horrifying as Hell.

  5. not sure of ther intentions behind the bug thing. if it’s to get used to slim pickings after nuclear winter, fine. let’s all spend time chasing irradiated grasshoppers while our hair and teeth fall out.

    more likely it’s another chapter in the long tale of protein obsessed idiots. “carntards” is my chosen term but may offend some. just picture joe rogan and most of his fans. getting off meat is a no brainer but acting like you can’t get amino acids from something that didn’t die screaming kinda taints the message. i have seen cat treats made from bugs…those make sense given that cats are obligate carnivores/murderers and i’ve seen firsthand they don’t mind eating invertebrates fresh/alive. wonderful animals.

    i wouldn’t compare grooming kids to be carntards to grooming to be a kiddie fiddler’s “special friend” but they are both the product of idiot parents with no spines. also social contagion. plus…maryland. ew.

    as for “exterminate the russians brutes!”, the US was founded and sustained for the past 5 centuries(ish) on fearing and hating others. not a new thing. if you were around and paying attention from 9/11 to shock and awe you’ll recall the whole “derp they’re savage subhumans who rape their mums and are born hating jews” theme pretty much 99% of the MSM ran with.

    • 911 immediately came to mind, and yes the russophobia is similar, but feels much more extreme. I have seen more than one baby boomer declare that Putin’s Russia is “even worse than in the 1980s.” These people don’t have any facts to base such statements on, they are just being fed propaganda that is much more extreme than ever before, even in the Reagan era.

  6. > to find out their attitudes to environmental issues and how they translate into views on the food they eat.

    In shorter words: applying peer pressure and exposing dissidents?

    > educating the younger generation and their families

    effect parents by taking their chikdrne hostages to school bullying?

    Free world, my ass…

    • Hi Arioch. A pleasure as always. But yes, the “brainwash your kid into a little Orwellian crotch goblin” tactic has worked before, no reason it won’t work to bully the masses into eating frozen mealworms

      • …last year i started to grok the idea of English word “thrill” – both extreme raprute and extreme fear.

        Guess we did not managed to coin a single word bleeding both, while having some jokes or poetry about it (“есть упоение в бою”, “тёща в пропасть на новых Жигулях”, etc)

        Watching the Western evolution is… Thrilling.
        Probably not that much as for refugee westerners, but still.

        …but while doing so they would still denounce Russians as “race of Pavliks Morozovs” to divert attention by reverse cargo cult.

  7. I am by no means against eating insects; I’ve eaten ants, mealworms, crickets, and soldier fly larvae with zero problems. I also believe eating insects is far from abnormal since, you know, millions of Asians, Africans, and Native Australians/South Americans eat them routinely. Saying or implying that eating insects is abnormal is at the least Eurocentric and can be called racist.

    That doesn’t mean that I would force anyone to eat them any more than I would accept being compelled to not eat a food I would want to.

    • Exactly.

      I specially highlights what rubs me veeery wrong in this. A very sinister and toxic method they would enforce is and sugartalking about it in MSM

      Late Soviet politic jokes are more and more LARPed by West

    • Totally agreed. An additional problem is that those insects are not “full spectrum” bugs leaving in Nature and eating healthy natural food but industrially bred ones. They’ll probably be fed with garbage and concentrate chemicals and other toxic compounds. They’ll be nominally high protein, but probably lack vitamins and trace elements.
      It’s not a matter of eating insects, it’s a matter of industrial farming. Again.

    • In the Far North of Russia, in tundra, there are peoples who eat something called kopalkhen (копальхен). Basically, it’s meat that got rotten in a pit. If a white person eats it, they will die. Is it racist to say that white people shouldn’t eat this food? Of course, bugs will not kill a white person, at least not in the short run, but it is definitely not part of a normal traditional diet in Europe. Also, mind the climate. Even Europe is much colder than India or Africa or South America,it means a different diet with different fat/protein requirements. Of course, if someone WANTS to eat bugs, they are welcome to.

  8. “Sure the war is going bad, but did you know they’re gonna eat bugs in the west and make 2 genders illegal?”

    Absolutely fucking retarded take as always lmao I hope you get your US citizenship revoked and become conscripted

    • They’re neo nazi propagandists and Russian trolls. They’ll be dealt with if not by others by themselves because just drunken fuck ups. Write checks their asses can’t cash by the stacks.


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