The 26th Anniversary of NATO’s Aggression Against Yugoslavia

Exactly 26 years ago, NATO war planes commenced 78 days of terror against Yugoslavia, deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure and population centers. By the end, the “arsenal of democracy” had killed an estimated 3.5 to 4 thousand people.

The largest geopolitical impact of the bombing campaign would not be felt in western circles until more than two decades later; the alleged sanctity of national borders was broken. After NATO itself had used force to redraw a sovereign country’s borders, no honest argument remained for why others could not do this.

Read the daily report on my new substack.

Just to clarify to everyone what’s going on here, I will continue posting my “best” opinion work here on the blog, and the “hard news” daily updates on Russia will be housed on the substack, so there’s little to no overlap in content. A second reason is the data plan for this site is not great and kind of expensive, but on substack I can happily post photo and video heavy articles. I can only do that here if I host somewhere else. I’ve also largely given up on YouTube because it is so trigger-happy on the censorship. Though I do plan to revisit YouTube at some point, I’m just not sure when. Thank you again to my new and longterm readers and supporters!

3 thoughts on “The 26th Anniversary of NATO’s Aggression Against Yugoslavia”

  1. Your plan is a good plan.

    Personally, I don’t care about pictures, and hate the trend away from written content and towards talking heads in video. I want intellectual content, the heavier the better, so if you maintain this site and post that here, I will be happy, and I wouldn’t bother with the pictures here.

    The substack daily updates will provide a service for those interested in that. For me, I’m going to wait until World War III starts and then I will probably start paying attention to the daily military situation.

    As I wrote earlier, I am following you on Quora, but I would like a lot of your Quora content to show up here, since its possible to link to this site on other sites, and pretty much impossible with Quora, since you can link to a question, but not a specific answer. Meaning you have a choice of linking to the question and telling people to do a control search for the answer, or copy and paste the entire essay, which can be obnoxious.


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