The White Man’s Complacency and the Myth of Genocide

Lately I have noticed patterns in western right-wing and left-wing discourse and realized they’re both based on the same falsehood; an illusion of power that doesn’t actually exist. The dumbest decisions tend to be made by people with a delusion of invincibility.

It is possible to see this invincibility trope on display when American conservatives ramble about Iraq and Afghanistan. “We could have won if we just took the gloves off and killed everyone!” they say. Of course this is nutty. Small western armies are able to occupy foreign countries for long periods of time for the exact reason the majority of the population is passive. For the average person, resisting American occupation is worse than begrudgingly tolerating it so most Iraqis chose the latter. Obviously, if the American soldiers just started shooting everyone, the whole population would have risen up and easily defeated them. Anyone who thinks millions of Iraqis couldn’t beat a few tens of thousands of American soldiers is a moron. It is possible to fight tanks with your bare hands and it has been done before.

Conservatives rambling about “taking the gloves off” is an example of delusional over-confidence, but that’s not quite what I want to talk about today. I want to discuss how western countries passively take in millions upon millions of hostile foreigners with no fear or even hesitation.

Perhaps that is Nazi Germany’s worst contribution to western thinking. Because of the holocaust, everyone now thinks “Well if a group of people became too problematic we could just kill or expel them all.” I’m not saying that’s the exact thought pro-immigration people have. I’m saying that they have a feeling of being in control, and they absolutely shouldn’t. You see this delusion of power when leftists ramble about “Project 2025.” They cry and whine that if big bad Trump wins the election, he’ll genocide all the minorities. This is a totally moronic thing to say. Even if white conservatives wanted to regain control of the country they could not. It is too late. The pro-immigration useful idiots who cry the loudest about “nazism” are the people who most fervently believe in western superiority. Advocating for open borders only makes sense if you believe Europeans have some special magic power that prevents us from being put under someone else’s boot after they gain superior numbers.

Modern western leftists remind me of the dictator in Demolition Man. In that movie, the dictator woke up 20th Century criminals to help him defeat his political opposition, and was too arrogant to realize they might turn on him. Democrats do the same thing in the USA, because they see how huge numbers of migrants take over and destroy small conservative towns and this is good. But for some reason it does not occur to Democrats that some day, these migrant groups will be so huge and have control of so much of American territory it will be impossible to get rid of them. Frankly, it is already impossible to get rid of them.

One time on a podcast recently I told a self-hating white leftist that if he is not careful, he could end up the oppressed minority forced to use segregated water fountains. He just looked at me like I was insane, and literally did not understand my point. That’s what I mean with my reference to Nazi Germany. These guys think every minority group is like commie Jews in 1930s Germany. Aside from the obvious reality that attacking 2% of your population is different than attacking 40%, there are two important facts they continually fail to understand. The ability of an army to destroy a general population of people has declined over time. Obviously a Napoleonic army of men with guns could easily kill much larger numbers of people armed with sticks and pitchforks. In modern war, the gap between an “army” and a “militia” has closed and is continuing to close rapidly so no regime can be confident that their professional police and army will be able to defeat a large uprising.

Secondly, human populations in general have exponentially grown in size and it is much harder to wipe them out. A few hundred years ago, a small army could kill half a million people just by torching their crops. Now systemic genocide is not so easy, as we’re witnessing with the ongoing war against Palestinians. Israel quite clearly intended to win in Gaza by simply starving everyone to death. They did their absolute best to cut off all food and clean water entering the city, and did this for months. There is no other possible goal except the deliberate extermination of 100% of the population. The death toll was staggering, but the majority of trapped Palestinians have survived so far, despite being under siege and constant bombardment for almost a year. Not only did they survive, they remained loyal to their government. They don’t betray Hamas or tell the Jews that there are Muslims hiding under the floorboards.

Israel tried their own “final solution” and it failed. If the zionist state tries and fails to genocide small and concentrated camps of Muslims and Christians, we can deduce that destroying a large group spread out across a country’s territory would be much more difficult, maybe impossible.

We can further deduce that if a population of people exceeds a certain threshold, they become impossible to genocide.

Let’s say the self-hating white leftist’s worst nightmare came true and right wing parties won sweeping victories in major western countries. What would they even do at this point? They can’t deport or round up millions or tens of millions of migrants. And speaking of millions, it is impossible for any conservative or nationalist party in the western world to even win an election. There are too many foreigners voting and they’re obviously not going to vote against their own interests.

Democracy only works in mostly-homogenous societies, and I don’t necessarily mean race or ethnicity. There needs to be a shared culture with certain fundamental principles that everyone more or less agrees on, and every shareholder in that society has some mutual interests. The Athenian city state’s voters were land owners, so could mostly agree on what’s good or bad. But when a country is divided between two incompatible groups, elections just become a head count of who is more numerous.

Our problem now is that the sheep have a delusion of supremacy and see no reason to be afraid of letting wolves into the pen. Quite the opposite, the worst possible crime now is to be accused of being a racist. And what’s funny about the “racism” charge is how it evolved recently. It is not enough to say European, African, and Native Americans should all get along. No, unless you’re fine with importing another 500 million foreigners into the country, you are a bigot literally worse than Hitler. There is no other crime as bad as being a racist, for you are the sheep who said we shouldn’t let wolves into the pen, and that’s unacceptable.

Any person who enjoys majority status and does not want to continue enjoying majority status is a fool.

Ian Kummer

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4 thoughts on “The White Man’s Complacency and the Myth of Genocide”

  1. I’d prefer something closer to the Chinese system myself, western liberal democracy is just plain garbage – forget 99% of the “right-wing” parties, they’re not going to fix anything. Failing that, some kind of benevolent dictatorship (which would certainly suit most African countries better than democracy).

    As for immigration, well, that would require reining in private interests that benefit from the status quo. Which again, the Chinese system seems to be the best at.

  2. I wonder if the west will still want to destroy my country , Serbia, when whites become minority. I think not, but it remains to be seen.

  3. You’ve absolutely nailed it.

    I myself have long been saying that the injection of all these foreign populations to prove you’re not racist, is itself the highest form of a sort of inverse racism. So secure in our perennial supremacy, so far above the fray of the everyday struggle for existence, so far above beyond the need to protect one’s own … that we are invulnerable to eroding the basis of human society, which is cooperation and solidarity. Our institutions are so rock solid that they need no support from the culture and people that comprise our country.


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