I’m still in disbelief, it all feels so surreal, yet here we are. This whole time I have been absolutely incredulous at the idea of Biden being replaced, even as the red flags piled up. Also remember that conspiracy theories about Biden being replaced by Kamala Harris date back years, even before the 2020 election. So for me this was a case of the “boy who cried wolf,” I had heard this story so many times I just stopped believing it.
Then on June 27 I watched the Trump-Biden debate, and it went about the way everyone should have expected. Trump winged it in his usual blustering way while Biden struggled to string a sentence together. But here’s the thing, Biden didn’t do that bad. He was a mental vegetable in the debates for the first election and his state of the union addresses were just as rambling. The key difference this time was that the media wasn’t cheerleading for him. Quite the opposite they, in complete unison turned on him before the debate was even over.
And that talk on ABC about a week later might be the first time in years if not decades that Biden has faced a hostile interview, and it was clear he wasn’t expecting it. He just stuttered and rambled like the confused old man he is and it was a little sad to watch. Literally elder abuse.
Despite all this, I was in disbelief that Biden was about to step down. For one, it’s so late to switch out a candidate. Perhaps the biggest problem is the matter of campaign contributions. All of Biden’s millions couldn’t just be passed off to a completely different candidate, right?
That question at least seems to have a tentative answer. Harris is on the Biden ticket, so allegedly can take over his account with no legal pitfalls, maybe.
So it is a coup, and there is no other word for what happened. The Party waited until it was far too late to hold a primary then bullied Biden into dropping out. If Biden had been switched out earlier, Democratic voters would have picked literally anyone except Harris, so that was almost certainly the plan all along.
I just wonder how far back this scheme went. If the intent was always to do a switcharoo between Biden and Harris, then that suggests premeditation going back years, maybe even before the 2020 election. I really don’t understand how voters can tolerate having their intelligence repeatedly insulted like this.
All I can say at this point is be prepared for our first black woman president. Sorry, I mean second black woman president, as Biden identifies as a black woman.,
Ian Kummer

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Qui bono, I wonder? Harris will be a puppet, but so is Joe
The unelected clique behind Biden that rules without personal accountability.
We do not even know who sets policies.
Figures from the “inter-agency”, intel big whigs who are prompted by the donor class and corporate movers and shakers.
The whole Biden withdrawal suffers from a lack of official imprimatur, leading to the question whether it was literally a coup by insiders or whether he even held the pen. No personal appearance, not letterhead, no white house or presidential channel employed.
The unelected clique behind Biden that rules without personal accountability.
We do not even know who sets policies.
Figures from the “inter-agency”, intel big whigs who are prompted by the donor class and corporate movers and shakers.
I am not capable of having a clear understanding of each of the current US political events.
But after the shooting at Trump, and if this is treason against Biden as you write, I felt the hostility of American society towards the old man is building up very much.
This is also what I felt during COVID, when the narrative arose that that cold was just fine as a boomer remover, etc.
I do not like the Old Man either, as a person living in the West.
The problems that are now igniting, the bill for the ambitions of NATO’s eastern expansion cause Ukraine War, the war with Hamas also finally exploded because of Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, with the USA support ,those problems that have been carried over for decades. In some aspects, it is fair to say that the old men have created these problems by “ignoring conscientious advice”.
So many reasons can be given for not feeling good about the old people.
But on the other hand, when it comes right down to it, watching the attacks on the old do not make me feel good.
I cannot express my feelings any better.
Maybe I am sad that ‘respect’ looks disappearing from society.
The Web is alive with Coupspiracies and coverups. Some say FJB croaked, his staff wrote the letter and Jill forged his signature. Most say the FDT assassination attempt was an inside job.
Monday is still young. Possibly a resignation is coming. Possibly an obituary. Possibly, sometime later another “Lone Wolf’ takes a shot at FDT.
well Biden has been filmed and he is supposed to do a public appearance so he’s not dead (yet)