Sorry it’s been a while since I posted an update. I’ve been active on Quora but neglected my own blog. Here’s a thought I wrote a couple of days ago.
I would argue that American and British cultures were dead before multiculturalism was a thing. The first step to subverting a nation of people is to convince them that their culture is bad and illegitimate. This propaganda was combined with ignorance. The USA and UK have backwards education systems stuck in the Gilded Age. A small group of elites get access to advanced technical and scientific education (but stripped of humanities), while the bulk of the working class population is ignorant to the point of being functionally illiterate, unable to state basic facts like their own branches of government, who was the first president, etc.
But as I mentioned, even the elites are generally very ignorant. If Elon Musk were to have a conversation with a typical early 20th Century disenfranchised aristocrat, the aristocrat would consider him extremely stupid. And it’s not just Musk. The Silicon Valley elites who rule the western world would all be considered to be mental retards by the aristocracies of past centuries. You could have a more interesting and insightful education with the family butler. It is not an exaggeration to say that the servants of educated people were more educated than most of the “educated” people we have now.
I’m not exaggerating, imagine this hypothetical aristocrat talking to a modern billionaire who hasn’t read Jules Verne, Kipling or any of the other classical authors a low-ranking nobleman would be familiar with by the time he was 10. So we have societies populated by morons top to bottom.
Then when you get a middle or upper class immigrant from Russia, Iran, China, or wherever, he probably has something resembling a classical education so looks like a literal genius in comparison.
When westerners talk about Russia’s “elites” fleeing to Europe and the USA, I used to think they were trolling but recently I realized they’re being dead serious. When a British or American meets a Russian who can string more than three words together they think he must be worshipped as a God back in his home country, because a western person reading one book besides Harry Potter means he must have genius level IQ.
The dumbing down of our cultures is the reason why multiculturalism is such an easy sell.
Ian Kummer

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I remember some years ago a friend of mine, with a degree in modern languages, telling me “do you know Joseph Conrad was Russian?”
I said “no, he was Polish”.
He was quite surprised, after all I hadn’t been to university.
There seems to be a ‘loss of culture’, a phenomenon that is particularly pronounced in the western capitalist world, the USA and its satellite states.
In my country, too, in the early 20th century, it was expected that higher civil servants, scholars and people belonging to the higher status would have read a certain amount.
As a child, you could quote some of the words of Confucius, Mencius and others, and if you went to a higher school, the classics of the advanced civilisation, they need touch the advanced Western civilisation readings, Plato and Aristotle.
And it was thought that you had to have had some exposure to Western writers such as Shakespeare, Goethe and Immanuel Kant.
Such things were not something to be particularly proud of, but a ‘minimum line’, and it was considered normal to be able to do that level.
According to such common sense of the 20th century, all the big-faced people in our society today are educated to a level that can only be described as morons or low-lifes.
And in fact, I feel that those in the upper echelons of our society today are vastly inferior to those of the ealy 20th century class.