Republicans have, once again, preemptively surrendered. Spending for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan all went through this weekend, as well as approval for more Iran sanctions and the “TikTok ban.” In return, Republicans got nothing at all. Not a dime went to sealing our own border.
In exchange for selling out his own voters, the speaker of the house was compared to Churchill and Reagan.
As Republicans shift into irrelevance, Democrats shift to the right on many issues, and are quite comfortable lavishing praise on historically right-wing figures like Reagan and Churchill, which would have been totally unthinkable just 30 or even 20 years ago.
I find it too convenient to be coincidental that this spending was all pushed through the House on April 20, Hitler’s birthday. Speaking of Hitler, just like Reagan and Churchill, Democrat mouthpieces are more comfortable praising leaders and movements adjacent or actually allied to Hitler as long as it was done in accordance with Cold War aesthetics. For example, praising Finland’s “continuation war” is good, allying with Nazi Germany was good, because they did it in opposition to the Soviet Union, not against the western allies.
Near the beginning of April, Israeli academic Martin van Creveld published a screed titled A Tale of Three Crises on his blog. I consider Creveld as a weather vane for global forces swinging the USA one way or the other, so I found this post of his to be significant. It seemed to directed at American conservatives, encouraging them to join hands with Democrats because of “literally like Hitler” threats from Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea, AKA, Bush’s “Axis of Evil.” In hindsight, I think Creveld’s blog post coincided with increased (but discreet) efforts by AIPAC and related zionists interests to resolve the clogs in the American aid pipeline.
So whether or not Creveld is a fortune teller, the shift in conservative sentiments seem to have happened, and for roughly the reasons he said. Republicans are completely fine with deep-throating the Democrats’ boot on domestic issues as long as those darn ruskies and moozies are defeated.
Now, onto the physical consequences of this bill.
Contrary to popular belief, arms shipments to Ukraine have not been interrupted, and I’ve stressed this repeatedly. The claim doesn’t make sense, as there is nothing preventing the US military from sending trainloads of ammunition and gear to their proxies in Kiev, whether or not there’s a spending bill. What this bill does do, however, is increase the risk of escalation. The first risk of escalation is related to weapons, as this new bill authorizes ATACMS. There are any number of directions these weapons could be used, perhaps on a major Russian population center, or a another serious attempt to destroy the Crimean bridge.
The second major escalation risk is political, the approval of seizing Russian funds. As I’ve written previously, the majority of Russian foreign reserves are in European banks, not American, but approving the seizure of their dollar accounts are most likely a way to pressure the EU into seizing the rest. This will effectively make the war in Ukraine a European expense. That’s because in effect, liquifying Russian assets is no different than Europeans financing the war out of their own pockets.
Consequentially, the bridge of American-Russian relations will be further damaged, perhaps irreversibly. Liberal interest groups who want to permanently sever the USA and Russia will benefit. Conservative groups will be harmed by this separation, but won’t do anything about it because they’re too arrogant and stupid.
The main thing to remember is that American conservatives will immediately and without hesitation surrender on any domestic issue as long as an appropriate foreign enemy is dangled in front of their noses. It’s pitiful, actually. Give an American conservative fantasies that he’s a heroic freedom fighter mowing down hundreds of ruskie invaders with his hunting rifle, he’ll gladly lose every election for the rest of his life, let drugs and human trafficking over the border, let his neighborhood get turned into a crime-infested ghetto, and do nothing while the lives of his children are ruined.
A classic example of conservative stupidity is when they were laughing at US aid to transgender issues in Pakistan. Tons of conservatives were laughing about how this is a dumb waste of money. No, this is not a waste of money. Every person in a foreign country like Pakistan who receives Amerian dollars will immediately become loyal to the Democrat (not Republican!) party, even if he doesn’t agree with them ideologically. But then his children and definitely grandchildren will agree with Democrat ideology. It’s total global victory in three generations, but Republicans are too dumb to even notice the strategy exists, or figure out it has domestic implications too. I actually wrote about this Democrat strategy in detail in one of my previous posts, which you can read here.
If you even try to explain to the American conservative that he is hurting himself and his own family, he’ll just scream incoherently about not letting Putin win. It is actually more important to hurt Russians (or whoever the declared enemy of the moment is) than to safeguard his own family and community.
And of course there’s no point trying to talk to a Republican or a conservative about morals. Don’t even try. They’re the most morally bankrupt movement to ever exist so there’s not even a point in trying to talk about whether American policy about Ukraine, Israel, or anything else is morally correct.
Don’t get me wrong, I passionately hаtе American liberals and Democrats, there aren’t even words to properly describe how much I hаtе them, but I hаtе American conservatives even more. The American conservative is a particularly loathsome and disgusting creature, because he lacks even the most basic self-preservation instincts possessed by potatoes. A plant will always try to find sunlight and nutrients, and avoid the opposite. A deer or a squirrel will run away from obvious threats. No living organism deliberately moves toward danger or a predator… except the American conservative, who will eagerly embrace self-destruction as long as he’s properly deluded with fantasies that an external enemy is also being harmed. Convince a conservative he’s better than the Russians, he’ll empty his pocket for you, convince him that the lowest conservative is better than the best Russian, he’ll press the gun to his own temple and pull the trigger.
I have written about this before. Democrats built an international coalition while Republicans fiddled. Democrats have an ideological and political alliance with the establishment of most of Europe, while Republicans don’t have an alliance with anyone. It would have been smart for Republicans to foster good relations with the political elites in places like Hungary and Russia, but Republicans don’t because they’re too arrogant and – I cannot overemphasize this enough – they’re really, really, really, really, really, really stupid. Just to prove my point, walk up to any American conservative and ask him how he think how the Republican party and American conservatives should foster good international relationships. He won’t even understand what you’re on about, and you’ll probably feel like you’re talking to the stupidest person to ever exist. Every conversation with American conservatives is like this.
Since I’m publishing this on Quora, I suspect there will be at least a few American conservatives in the comments screaming incoherently about stopping Putin, totally not caring about or even understanding any of my points about losing on domestic issues, and once again proving that they’re the stupidest people on the planet. There’s no point in taking their side because the American conservative, no matter how unattainable defeat might seem, will always find a way to lose.
Ian Kummer

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” Democrats shift to the right on many issues, and are quite comfortable lavishing praise on historically right-wing figures like Reagan and Churchill, which would have been totally unthinkable just 30 or even 20 years ago.”
Ya, Its amazing.
I used to think of myself as somewhat left-wing, but now I shudder to see how parties and people who used to be considered ‘left-wingy’ are now doing things with impunity that the old left would never have done.
Have they all lost their minds?
Or rather, where has the ‘left’ disappeared to?
Of course there are still energetic leftists in the alternative media.
But spirited left-wing opinion has really disappeared from the mainstream channels.
It’s frightening.
Or how people who would have been considered completely vanilla fox-brand republicans 10 years ago, like Tucker Carlson, are now “far right extremists”. We’re in full-on clown world where left is right and up is down.
To add to what you have said, I think an important event has been the Iran attack; in a way it the last push to allow this bill to pass.
The fact that the bill passed, the reaction on the floor and the actions of the speaker disgusted me to no end. Those Nazis waving those Ukro-Nazi flags is unlawful and they got a pass.
What you wrote years ago is true. Our government has been taken over by Nazis. Russia is not going to save us. It’s up to American Patriots like Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern and others to de-Nazify the USA.
If the flags were not bad enough, chanting “Slava Ukraina” was really creepy for me; are there unaware that that chant is basically the equivalent of “Hail Hitler” used by the Banderites when burning churches, killing people and doing other horrible stuff…
What can I say, the operation paperclip worked really well.