Whenever I see how likes/dislikes/reactions mushroom under a fresh post from a popular blogger on a popular platform, I think of a Petri dish with some primitive life form floating in it (bacteria, fungi, amoeba, etc.) and a person adding, say, sugar. All the single-celled creatures rush for food. They are highly-motivated, eager and, I dare say, happy in their single-celled way. None of them is depressed, preoccupied or anxious. They are unanimous in their rush for food. They are busy.
Although reactions under a post may differ, the initial impulse to react is the same. It has become instinctive and, to be honest, addictive. I find this humiliating and degrading.
This impulse though is only a visible part of the Society Management System that has been developed at least 100 years ago.
I am more and more convinced that the New World Order could never be possible without the masses driven by controlled impulses. The main thing is to provoke, and gullible masses are easy to provoke. And I don’t just mean official propaganda. Both culture and counterculture, mainstream and opposition now seem to serve the NWO.
Here is what I mean. There is no power without the masses that work for this power, defend this power, give it validation, glorify it through art, extoll it, etc. Therefore, masses have to be indoctrinated. What are means of indoctrination? I see three areas or components:
-Direct mainstream propaganda. It is boring to describe, we all know what it is. It is usually based on eternal truths twitched the way it is currently needed.
-Trendy liberal ideas that are supported by the mainstream though some reluctance can be faked (e.g. LGBTQ+ support). It is needed to show that the masses can actually achieve results through “democratic” process and “peaceful” protests.
Opposition represented by actual political opposition and various conspiracy theories.
I am more than certain that all the three components come from the same source. Masses are convinced that they have a choice, because there are options. Masses are convinced that they are informed because they have the Internet, spend hours watching shorts on YouTube and know words like “illuminati” or “Adrenochrome”. Masses think that they are good and virtuous because they support transgender children, reduce their carbon footprint by killing their pets with vegan diets or stand with Ukraine. Masses are busy being involved, being awake, being political, being contributors, etc. In the meantime, the elites keep doing what they have been doing for a long time: ruling and gaining.
Note that both official propaganda and opposition need the masses to be literate and dumb at the same time. Masses need to be conditioned to consume whatever is cooked for them without asking too many questions or checking facts. This is achieved through education where skill-hunting prevails. No one needs broad-minded personalities familiar with history, art or even geography (otherwise who would agree to vandalize a Monet?). To get a job, you need a combination of skills, not intelligence. You can get those skills from videos under 20 minutes that more often than not can also include some kind of indoctrination (e.g. mass adoption of AI or crypto).Critical thinking and common sense, fruits of real enlightenment or unassisted observation of real life, gradually disappear.
So, why do I say “Beware of the Savior”? As the part of the NWO elites currently holding the official power becomes less and less popular and support of the masses flows to the camp Opposition, they are likely to introduce a Savior figure coming from this camp. And I can even assume that elites have some internal competitions, clashes and conflicts. Yet, they always support each other when it comes to not losing the grip.
Is there a way out? At this point I see the nearest goal in disbanding NATO which is their power arm. Also, while I am not communist or Marxist, I do believe that while too many people want to and can be billionaires, it is impossible to make the world a better place.

With this post you remind me of Caitlin Johnstone another blogger I hold in high regard. I like one of her quotes I repeat often. We live in a Narrative Matrix controlled by Plutocratic and military Institutions who have created an illusion of democracy.
The elites who own the media use it to keep the masses enthralled with infotainment. Enthralled means to be enslaved without knowing it.
The easiest way to control people is to get them to believe there is someone who would control them.
“I do believe that while too many people want to and can be billionaires…”
Yes, the financial system and its fiat money will have to implode.
I believe Russia’s -and China- true atomic weapon is the Gold Standard and not missiles.
I’d like to recommend the book The Crowd : A Study of the Popular Mind. It explains everything we are witnessing in precise detail. Amazingly, the book was published in 1895