The weird Belgorod incident keeps getting weirder. It appears that my initial belief was correct. This was a serious attempt by the USA to overthrow the Russian government, and everybody in the chain of command was completely convinced it would work. Expect more attempts just like this one.
Western media outlets and propagandists (ah, I repeat myself) are treating this incursion, despite the fact that it was destroyed in 6 hours, as a huge victory. There’s no reason to believe that people within the Biden White House don’t also believe this was a huge victory. And just to be clear, this wasn’t a simple raid, and there’s enough video evidence floating around the internet to confirm that. Ukrainian militants entered Russian territory, set up roadblocks, entered houses, and started stockpiling weapons and building defensive positions. That’s not the tactics of someone who’s doing a quick 20 minute adventure. That’s the tactics of someone who believes he’s there to stay.

If someone reading this still believes the Ukies were just doing a raid, then explain why they dragged along so much equipment. Even the photos of captured ammunition released by the Russian government are far too large to be plausible for a small group that was just planning to be behind enemy lines for a few hours.
For those of you skeptical that the American military could be this stupid, look at history. Look at what the American government was trying to do back in better times, when our leaders were much less stupid, the Bay of Pigs invasion:
On 28 January 1961, President Kennedy was briefed, together with all the major departments, on the latest plan (code-named Operation Pluto), which involved 1,000 men landed in a ship-borne invasion at Trinidad, Cuba, about 270 km (170 mi) south-east of Havana, at the foothills of the Escambray Mountains in Sancti Spiritus province. Kennedy authorized the active departments to continue and to report progress.[98] Trinidad had good port facilities, it was closer to many existing counter-revolutionary activities, and it offered an escape route into the Escambray Mountains. That scheme was subsequently rejected by the State Department because the airfield there was not large enough for B-26 bombers and, since B-26s were to play a prominent role in the invasion, this would destroy the façade that the invasion was just an uprising with no American involvement. Secretary of State Dean Rusk raised some eyebrows by contemplating airdropping a bulldozer to extend the airfield.[99] Kennedy rejected Trinidad, preferring a more low-key locale.[100] On 4 April 1961, President Kennedy approved the Bay of Pigs plan (also known as Operation Zapata), because it had a sufficiently long airfield, it was farther away from large groups of civilians than the Trinidad plan, and it was less “noisy” militarily, which would make denial of direct U.S. involvement more plausible.[101] The invasion landing area was changed to beaches bordering the Bahía de Cochinos (Bay of Pigs) in Las Villas Province, 150 km southeast of Havana, and east of the Zapata Peninsula. The landings were to take place at Playa Girón (code-named Blue Beach), Playa Larga (code-named Red Beach), and Caleta Buena Inlet (code-named Green Beach).[102][page needed][103][page needed][104][105][page needed]
Top aides to Kennedy, such as Dean Rusk and both joint chiefs of staff, later said that they had hesitations about the plans but muted their thoughts. Some leaders blamed these problems on the “Cold War mindset” or the determination of the Kennedy brothers to oust Castro and fulfill campaign promises.[102][page needed] Military advisers were skeptical of its potential for success as well.[88] Despite these hesitations, Kennedy still ordered the attack to take place.[88] In March 1961, the CIA helped Cuban exiles in Miami to create the Cuban Revolutionary Council, chaired by José Miró Cardona, former Prime Minister of Cuba. Miró became the de facto leader-in-waiting of the intended post-invasion Cuban government.
On 17 April, 1,500 American-trained Cuban dissidents landed in Cuba, and were quickly destroyed, ending with the entire force killed or captured. It was totally absurd for anyone to believe 1,500 militants could conquer an island of over 7 million people, but that’s just how deluded the American government was, even back then. In the minds of CIA planners in the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations, Castro’s government was a paper tiger and the local population would greet the CIA invasion as liberators.
I’ve discussed this at length in a previous article: we are dealing with “fatal scale error.”
Look, ultimately, I don’t think Washington is deliberately throwing the game, and they do actually believe that Ukraine has a chance of pushing the Russians out. Every single pro-war enthusiast I have met is absolutely convinced that this is possible, and I see no reason to believe that they’re all lying. NATO is sending Ukraine 90 howitzers and some broke-down German panzers, and is convinced that this is a winning strategy…
A scale error happens when a very young child fails to use visual information about the size of an object and tries to perform an impossible action on it. For example, a child might try to climb inside an impossibly small toy car or sit on an impossibly small doll chair.
There was a study conducted in 2004, Scale Errors Offer Evidence for a Perception-Action Dissociation Early in Life, that studied scale errors made by children aged 18 to 30 months. Experimenters would put a child in a room with three large toys, a slide, a car, and a chair. After being exposed to and interacting with these three large objects, the child would be moved to a play area with three identical, but much smaller versions of these toys, a doll-sized slide, car, and chair.
Many of the children, especially around the age of 20 months, would commit a scale error and try to interact with the doll-sized toys the same as they had with the child-sized toys. Interestingly, these children would perform movements correctly in relation to the size of the toy, like squatting the correct distance from the floor to touch the chair or get “inside” the toy car. In other words, a child would fail to use size information in making the decision whether or not to interact with a toy, but still use size information correctly in his attempt. Furthermore, in a separate control study, when given instructions and the choice between a large toy and its tiny equivalent, children would always correctly choose the large one.
That’s essentially what I think happened in Belgorod. Russia is crumbling, according to the geniuses at the Pentagon, 97% of the Russian military is in Ukraine. All of their tanks are destroyed so they’re sending T-34 museum pieces into combat. Russian people hate Putin and would greet invading Ukrainian and NATO troops as liberators. Russian nukes are all broken so there is no risk in antagonizing them. These are the “facts” the Pentagon is dealing with. Like the small children trying to “sit” in a tiny toy chair, the Pentagon sends small groups of men and vehicles into Russia, completely convinced that this is enough to win.
I don’t think the Ukrainians are stupid enough to believe these things, but they’re fine with duping the gullible Americans and Euros into giving them more money and equipment. Throwing 40 or 50 useful idiots to their deaths is a cheap price to pay if it guarantees a western media sensation and more aid packages.
Ian Kummer

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Yes, the last tank was on the Red Square, on May 9
Lol, and two invaded Germany and are parked at the Brandenburg Gate.
I added some pictures of Ukrainian dugouts in Belgorod.
Good insight.
I didn’t know the details of the Bay Of Pigs planning, but once again, it proves Kennedy was as much a warmonger as his successors. Unlike the bizarre idea that he was a peacemaker and killed because of it.
I remember the Bay Of Pigs coin they manufactured with a one of the Cuban Vlasovites running past the corpse of a Cuban soldier. Maybe they already had a Belgorod stamp ready like Kerch and the Kremlin, but the fight was over before they could release it?
The Vlasovites moving in so much ammunition and equipment and digging in still makes sense if it were a planned but rushed job, that is, if the follow up forces to use those weapons and equipment are expected but never did because the Vlasovites were already wiped out before the main force could be assembled and transported across the border. As I said in your last article I think it was supposed to be the first part of a much larger effort.
Simplicius76 agrees that the Vlasovite/nazi attack on Belgorod was no raid, that they meant to stay and occupy the area, and also says that they were just the vanguard, meant to be followed up by a much larger force. But the Vlasovites and nazis were destroyed before the larger force could get going. This is also my interpretation.
Hey, thanks for the update, I will read it. As for what they planned, we can only speculate – but I think we can definitively state that the plan did not include being wiped out. 🙂
Hey Ian, regarding Simplicius, prepare for a long read. His posts are books. 😉
Good stuff though if you have the time.
Anglos have a soft spot for localized small actions that can punch above their weight, but they usually go wrong. The Zeebrugge raid is one such example.
Your belief that the Belgorod Incident was a “scale error” or simple incompetent US stuff-up could be true.
I also want to mention that maybe it was a psyop operation to trick the Russians into thinking the Ukrainians have more equipment than they really do. Ie “if the stupid Ukros send in so many tanks and personnel carriers, then that must mean the Ukrainians have heaps more hidden. Gee, we Russians better be more cautious !”
The operation was win-win for Elensky; it succeeds , then Elensky looks good, it fails , well it gets rid of hardcore Nazis which don’t like Elensky too much.
Divide and conquer. If you want to attack one village, the first step is to approach a different village upriver and convince them to help you.
From the photos of the lost weapons from the raid, one can see, at least 5 Swedish
ATG =” pansarskott”, marked with yellow text, “RSV” = “riktad sprängverkan” = the special function against armor, directed blasting. Some of the 17 billions SEK, of arms Sweden delivered, soon too much for the national defense budget, claims the top commander, (ÖB) Sweden needs to rearm her self, he claims. But it looks bad to have just these weapons displayed for an assault into the Russian civil territory, no one can appreciate this, aggressive connection.
The other day 5 Swedish diplomats in Russia, were expelled, but most a tit-for-tat.
But the relations never been so bad, Sweden-Russia. But anyway a battalion of Ukrainian soldiers is said too been trained in Sweden, in secret, but not confirmed,
and Ukrainian pilots will be trained on the Swedish JAS-39 fighter. Before, Swedish
sig/int. aircraft flew outside Syria, from Cyprus, and in eastern Poland against Ukraine, and this is what is visible, and probably a huge Swedish secret intelligence hub in Ukraine, and collecting of Russian and other nations ordnance, trophies, to be shipped via Poland, with ferries, to Sweden, as reminding of such transports during the m/s Estonia’s disaster, 1994.