Syria has just been readmitted into the Arab League, which is a huge step in the right direction, not just for the hopeful end to a bloody conflict, but also to finally end centuries of western liberal meddling in the Middle East. There are three important takeaways from this news.
Anglo imperialism has long depended on the age-old strategy of “divide and conquer.” Arab nations do have a unfortunate tendency to infight, not trust each other, and use foreign invasions as a selfish opportunity to settle personal grudges. This isn’t new, either. Tiny armies of Frankish crusaders scored far greater and lasting successes than they really should have, and that was largely due to the Arabs’ stubborn refusal to properly unify against them, and in some cases actually used the crusaders as a wedge against their neighbors. Jerusalem and the surrounding crusader strongholds like Antioch were only retaken after Saladin formed a sufficiently large enough coalition to do so.
Here are my three big takeaways from Syria being admitted back into the Arab League, and an explanation for what led to this:
Reason 1: Assad is a typical liberal globalist. Or at least he was a liberal globalist prior to the LGBT Mafia trying to destroy his country for more than a decade. Many Arab leaders were likely indifferent to NATO overthrowing Saddam and Gaddafi – or actually happy about it. If someone has liberal and pro-west as Assad isn’t safe from sudden and brutal regime change, then nobody is.
See, in the 1970s, the USA used a combination of brute force and diplomacy to steal away the loyalties of Middle Eastern regimes from the stagnating Soviet Union, and all this effort clearly solidified under the 1978 Camp David Accords. From that point onward, Arabs would begrudgingly tolerate Israel constantly throwing dirt in their eyes in exchange for American money and weapons. Aside from how this diplomacy related to Israel, an alliance between Arab oil and American money would be especially crucial in a theoretical hot war between NATO and the Warsaw Pact.
If the Arab League were a bit smarter they might have seen warning signs sooner, but the attempted overthrow of Assad must have made one thing clear to anyone who’s not an idiot: the American deep state had changed and is no longer a trustworthy ally. In the Cold War, Americans and Arabs could speak in a common language: money. It was a classic mafia protection racket, an arrangement in which everybody benefits in some way and can trust his “partners” to not stab him in the back. As long as an Arab government didn’t openly defy American interests, they would be safe from regime change.
Now that’s no longer true. Predictable and trustworthy American republican greed has given way to democrats’ neo-leftist fanaticism. Being America’s business partner and military ally isn’t enough anymore. American lefties might randomly decide to destroy you one day for some weird reason you never expected, or for no reason at all. They’re just too violently insane and emotionally unstable to be trusted.
Reason 2: NATO’s military might has significantly deteriorated, and I don’t mean in the sense of technological excellence and the availability of vehicles, equipment, and munitions. I mean in the human factor. Decades of bloody and pointless fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq have significantly eroded American trust in the government. Every military branch saw significant recruiting shortfalls in 2022 and these are expected to be even worse this year. Some conservative commentators believe this shortfall is due to our armed forces being “too woke,” but that’s nonsense and I said as much in a previous blog post about the subject. The most obvious reason for recruiting problems is that the majority of American military-age people don’t see the benefit of risking their lives in dumb wars overseas, and there is no financial incentive big enough to to compel someone to sign up for a war he feels is bad and stupid.
Consider Russia’s mobilization of roughly 300,000 reservists last year, and how difficult and controversial it was. NATO apologists and Ukraine fans laugh at this, yet seem oblivious to the fact that an American military operation on the scale of Kuwait in 1991 or Iraq in 2003 would require mobilizing roughly the same number of American reservists. Yes, simply look at the huge numbers of National Guard and reserve component troops those campaigns required, and realize the situation is even more extreme now. The US Army in particular is very dependent on the National Guard for much of their firepower, to include combat aviation and artillery, and relies on the Reserve component for equally important non-combat roles like logistics and medical support.
Now maybe I’m being unfair in suggesting that such a mobilization would be politically and socially impossible today. And yet, there were two very clear incidents that called for such a mobilization, and one of them was the “civil war” in Syria. An invasion of 2012 or 2013 Syria on the scale of 2003 Iraq likely would have steamrolled them with about the same ease.
The second obvious incident calling for an American mobilization was 2022 Ukraine. The best and likely only window of opportunity to defeat Russia in conventional terms was when the majority of their constractist forces were strung out all over Ukraine, and much of it within striking power of NATO air assets. But no such mobilization happened, and the best time for it has come and gone, which suggests that the American deep state understands that it cannot be done.
This brings me directly to my third point:
Reason 3: Russia is now strong and willing enough to challenge NATO invasions, rendering them politically and militarily impossible. Even pro-regime corporate media outlets admit that Obama did not escalate the war in Syria to the extent he wanted to because that would require directly challenging Russia, which was something he was not willing to do.
Syria marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. It’s likely the last country the liberal globohomo world order will attempt to collapse with a conventional military invasion. Full scale invasion is a super power’s trump card short of pushing the nuclear red button, and the “collective west” has apparently lost the means to do so.
Ian Kummer

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Good gibbering ghost of Kiev, you don’t know how many times I had to point out to Arabs that to beat the Crusaders they had to be united by a Kurd (Salah-ad-Din) with a Jewish advisor (Maimonides). Arabs are fundamentally incapable of uniting about anything. They make Pashtuns look unitary.
Maybe, maybe not. Simplicius76 pointed out on his site that the Iraqi army was basically bribed to not resist before the invasion.
This is a fair point, nothing is certain.
If full scale invasion is off the table, and so is the nuclear option, that leaves but one avenue: the invasion of the minds of their children. The OnlyFans revolution was stopped in Iran, for now, but what about 10 years down the line? 20?
God, it pains me to say this, but the fate of America is inexorably intertwined with the those of everyone else.
We have to put a stop to this madness at the source. Humanity’s survival depends on it.
You really think OnlyFans was behind the protests against the Religious Theocracy in Iran? And that OnlyFans is such a threat to humanity?
Yes, that’s true: it’s called humanity. The fate of all 7-8 billion of us is inexorably intertwined, because we’re all the same species.
> You really think OnlyFans was behind the protests against the Religious Theocracy in Iran?
No. Is that what I said?
The class interests that want to commodify everything – including our daughters’ bodies and souls – also want to overthrow any and every regime that opposes their rule. Like Iran, Russia, China, etc…
I don’t understand how this is even up for debate.
Another historical event is the raproachement between Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran. If only raproachement could happen between Turkey and the Kurds and Turkey walks away from NATO.
One thing is for sure. The Global South is flipping off the Anglo-Zionist Empire of Lies and Hate.
All good apart from the Gaddaffi and Assad business. Nowhere did you mention that the Gulf Arabs actively helped the US try and unseat Assad.So much so that most head -choppers were trained, paid, fed and nursed by Turkey and them ( with the US behind the scenes). The Gulf Arabs did not just sit on the sidelines ruefully observing the US changing its modus operandi.
P.S. The Muslims had no business being in the Holy Land at the time of the Crusades either.