Over the past 5 years, the American political establishment has gradually cracked down on free speech in a classic slippery slope fashion, and is now working to effectively outlaw it with the RESTRICT Act. But an actual law criminalizing naughty opinions wasn’t the first step, it was the last one.
Totalitarian regimes tend to fear external enemies and internal dissidents as one and the same. For example, in the Third Reich, German communists and socialists were viewed as pawns of the Soviet Union, and that was at least partially the justification for herding those people into camps, and they were the first of many. The same for the USA during the Red Scare. American communists and socialists were seen as pawns of, drum roll, the Soviet Union, and were ostracized and canceled for the same reason.
We are now witnessing the end game of that same strategy. First, Trump was a stooge of Putin – and of course Putin is the most powerful man in human history who could easily swing an American election and defeat Hillary Clinton’s multi-billion dollar presidential campaign with $10,000 in sponsored Facebook ads and shitposting groups.
Look at how insidious this logic really is. The Russian position on any geopolitical topic is automatically bad and evil and can be dismissed without discussion. By extension, anyone who happens to agree with the Russian position can also be dismissed. From there, it’s easy to further extend the logic and say that any person who sounds even vaguely in agreement with the Russians on any topic regardless of context is evil. Russia has an Orthodox Christian culture and is the second largest white majority population after the USA. So, in the USA, if you are white, Christian, like traditional family values – hell, even if you’re not white or Christian but simply have similar values as those people, that’s still enough. You are an enemy, and evil.
Russians and white American conservatives are not just similar enemies, they are the same enemy. Right now, American and western liberals are waging war against the Russian people, killing them with bombs and shells, and training death squads to torture them. So if you are an American who is white, or conservative, or Christian, or simply in agreement with those values, remember this. Everything the liberal is doing to the Russians he also wants to do to you, and will do to you when he has the opportunity.
So don’t try to argue about the seeming inconsistency and contradictions of liberal beliefs. Because in reality, their beliefs are consistent. They hate you and want to kill you, and will agree with any idea or organization that they believe will advance them toward this singular goal.
The truth is that the USA and Russia are natural allies, much more so than the UK. Americans and British have conflicting interests, which is why, even when we weren’t in direct conflict with each other, relations were at best strained. On the other hand, American-Russian relations were consistently good since the beginning. One could maybe chalk that up to cultural similarities but it has much more to do with geopolitics. The USA and Russia do not have overlapping spheres of influence so there was never a rational reason to fight. And the British obsession with conquering Crimea, suppressing Christianity in the Middle East, destabilizing western Asia, or stealing Russia’s resources was never shared by Americans.
Until, of course, American interests became usurped by British globalism. First by the Wilson administration when he threw American troops into a world war that had absolutely nothing to do with us, leading directly the man-made catastrophes and famines that plagued the rest of the 20th Century. This alliance with British globalists was then cemented by Truman, when he reversed Roosevelt’s policy of trying to placate both Brits and Russians and just overtly siding with Churchill’s anti-fascist agenda. Churchill failed and the British empire collapsed, but London’s colonial interests lived on, just with American blood and treasure, instead of British.
Russia is not America’s enemy. Our own government is our enemy. Biden is our enemy. The war hawks in both parties are our enemy.
Consider this Tucker Carlson segment about how constitutionally protected free speech in America has been incrementally eroded.
Ian Kummer

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Hey, Ian, I just saw this:
Such liberalism!
I assume the porno sites will remain untouched, naturally.
UK is always about 3-5 years ahead of the USA in these trends toward authoritarianism.
True Christians are natural allies with Muslims instead of Jews. You can easily spot a Zio-Nazi controlled Neocon Nazi by their crossed and lapel pins. I understand that in Russia the Eastern Orthodox respect the Muslims.
My avatar is Cobalt 60. He’s a cartoon character from an underground comic book from the 1960/1970’s. The premise is there are the powerful “Radio People” who’s goal is genocide of “Mutants” like Cobalt 60. Therefore Cobalt 60’s goal is killing as many Radios as possible and forming alliances with like minded mutants. The comic was absolutely superb satire, extremely violent and funny as Hell!
Cobalt 60 is my alterego.
“True Christians are natural allies with Muslims instead of Jews”
Right you are.
The sad part on this is how Jewish intellectuals advanced mass migration from Muslim countries to Europe knowing it would end in conflict and violence. They hide their true intentions behind sophisticated theories of multi-culturalism.
They do the same in America but with blacks.
Touche’ Sir!
Is it enough to just continue detailing and cataloging the insanity that is sweeping through the West? Can persuasion of the masses really cure what ails us? The MSM and most internet social media giants are now owned lock, stock, and barrel by covert power-players in Western governments. They own the “narrative” and all the key levers of both propagation and reinforcement. And things are getting worse faster, as demonstrated by the proposed Restrict Act. Like the proverbial frog in the pot where the temperature is being raised slowly, this manufactured incremental demise is effectively keeping normie on the couch until its too late to react.
Perhaps its time to begin using some brain power for contingency planning in addition to the canary in the coal mine role.
Like the Eastern Orthodox being assaulted in Ukraine, Conservative Christians are assassinated by Transgenders here in the USA and the Transgenders are getting away with it. Maybe America’s Second Civil War will be between the Conservative Christians and the Transgenders.
First Conservative Christians Black, White, Hispanic and Asian must unite. Divided we fall. Cobalt 60 succeeded because he united all kinds of Mutants.
The Cobalt 60 story takes place in the San Francisco Bay Area after Nuclear Armageddon.
Good point, Russians actually never hated Americans or the USA. We could never understand all that russophobia from the other side of the pond.
Maria, the Cold War was offense against the Soviet Union by the West. The Soviet Union was on defence against assaults by the West led by the USA.
I learned that from my Mother too late. When I was enthralled by propaganda provided by educational institutions and the military. I became a Neocon Dupe. I called my Mom “Commissar”. I was a fool because decades earlier I read Vasili Chuikov’s Memoir which my Mom had in her library.
I wised up not long after my Mom died and still tell her how sorry I am. I ask her, “How do you like me now?”.
Well, Tucker Carlson just became an even better illustration for the ongoing erosion of the right to free speech.
This morning I learn of the news about a Congressional Investigation into SECSTATE Blinken and a letter signed by 50 former and current CIA officials.
The article by Larry Johnson lays it all out including Twitter and Facebook suppression of discourse. The suppression of discourse prevents free association and free speech.
Larry’s article also mentioned Sudan and I saw a VoA presentation about it. According to Johnson I, all the pampered public servants were taken out but the rest of the American Citizens were left to fend for themselves. As Johnson wrote, “That’s like the Captain and Officers of the Titanic taking to lifeboats and leaving the passengers to fend for themselves, not a good look.”.
Hasn’t it become obvious what a shitty Country my country is? We need a Second American Revolution!