The liberal fake news apparatus went into overdrive this week after the announcement of Russia’s partial mobilization. Western media truly talks about Russia like an ex-girlfriend. Or more precisely, the ex-girlfriend of a childish schoolboy who can’t handle rejection. It’s all very silly, but there was one article in particular that stood out to me.
From CNN’s Brad Lendon, Putin can call up all the troops he wants, but Russia can’t train or support them.
Vladimir Putin can call up all the troops he wants, but Russia has no way of getting those new troops the training and weapons they need to fight in Ukraine any time soon.
With his invasion of Ukraine faltering badly, the Russian President on Wednesday announced the immediate “partial mobilization” of Russian citizens. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Russian television that the country will call up 300,000 reservists...
The recent Ukrainian offensive, which has seen Kyiv recapture thousands of square meters of territory, has taken a significant toll.
I’m pretty sure Lendon meant “thousands of square KILOmeters” – a pretty glaring mistake if you ask me. What’s even more glaring is that this article was published yesterday and as of me writing now, the mistake still hasn’t been noticed and fixed. CNN’s readership must be even lower than they’re letting on, because it is mindblowing that no one would see such a error and tell them.
Anyway, the article goes on to quote a certain retired general.
Mark Hertling, a former US Army general and CNN analyst, said he had seen firsthand how poor Russian training could be during visits to the country.
“It was awful…rudimentary first aid, very few simulations to conserve resources, and…most importantly…horrible leadership,” Hertling wrote on Twitter.
“Placing ‘newbies’ on a front line that has been mauled, has low morale and who don’t want to be (there) portends more (Russian) disaster.
“Jaw-dropping,” Hertling tweeted.
Hertling is a long-time CNN “expert” who baffled audiences across America with his astonishingly bad firearms knowledge and handling in 2018 with Gary Tuchman. Watch the video below:
In the video, Hertling incorrectly teaches Tuchman how to shoot. Then he takes a turn shooting, and doesn’t do much better. Look at their awful shooting stances:

Worse still, the video is filled with literal disinformation and lies. They claim the AR-15 started out as a weapon of war (it was not) and is a precursor to the M-4 Carbine (it is not). For a full account of all the fake news in Tuchman/Hertling video, check out this analysis from Townhall.
Basically, my point is that Hertling isn’t qualified to say if Russian soldiers are well-trained or poorly-trained… unless of course he trained them himself. God I hope not.
This is the tactic CNN is notorious for, though most of the major networks do it too, just usually not to the same absurd extremes. They find some expert, and even the title of “expert” is usually a bald-faced lie, as it tends to be someone like Hertling who doesn’t actually know anything about the topic being discussed. The CNN reporters then use this testimony from a guy to make extremely specific and bold statements – which are at best unfounded. At worst, they’re actual lies. CNN repeatedly lies and spreads false information to deliberately mislead their American and international audiences. The gibberish they spread about Russia should be taken as seriously as their gibberish about guns.
CNN has also been claiming that Russians are “panicking” and “fleeing” the country. Well, here’s my photos I took today in Moscow. Judge for yourself if CNN’s statements are true or not.

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Ian Kummer

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Fake news are made to justify genocides. It has always been like that, but never with the help of all modern media. I will probably elaborate on it myself, but in short I feel mobilization is totally justified as they are ready to exterminate us.
The buzz here in the West is that there aren’t plane tickets available anymore as Russian men are fleeing the country in order to not be mobilized. Those that cannot catch a plane are looking on Google how to break an arm:
However I’ve been unable to replicate those results on Google Trends. The idiocy of this all is staggering.
btw, doesn’t it occur to the Western media that many actually come to military administrations without being summoned? Russians are ready to defend their motherland.
Well, the idiocy is Finland banning almost all Russian visas, while at the same time insisting Russians are all fleeing to Finland. Obviously both of these statements cannot be true.
I guess the idea is they flee illegally.
CNN owes you a few cups of coffee for your correction You wrote a great post giving an example of a certain kind of “expert”, usually self proclaimed. I was advised if they tell you they’re experts, run like hell.
Nice photos showing the panic in Moscow.
That guy looks like his wife makes him sleep on the couch
He looks like a cuckolding enthusiast
What is he a General of, Strategic Incontinence?